Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #14221 Likes: 0
    • Posts 19

    As said in the title… I’m very surprised to see in version 0.70 a new set of icons in the bottom menu, after you put that much efforts to remove what is unnecessary. It’s nice actually, but I’d feel more like having the choice to have that or not. Isn’t that a double entry now, which is exactly what you was entitled to remove in the first place ? This a bit disturbing x)

    Not to mention there’s so many other options already to have access to those modes, the spacebar addon, the Pie Menu RMB and so on… Personaly I wouldn’t mind removing the old push up menu and keep your icons instead, is there a way I can do that ?

    #16193 Likes: 0
    • Posts 19

    Still investigating…

    I’m trying to understand. Found something strange again : Now it’s possible to switch directly from Properties to Outliner without going into the long push up menu (apparently called EditorType). I don’t know why, but why not :D

    So ok. That’s nice and all, now let’s see what happens if I split one of those (because I CAN, right ?) :

     …whaaat !? More icons ! Why xD

    That EditorType stuff is giving me headache, sometimes it’s there, sometimes it’s not x) I think this topic have been brought before but sorry, was too lazy to go and search in every topic :p (even though there’s not much lol)

    I remember that for the 3D view it’s possible to bring it back by unchecking > Hide EditorType menu, but actually I end up doing that EVERY TIME I open BFA because I need it !!! Please bring it back crying If for example I have 3 panels, even if the 3 of them are all 3D views, well one of them don’t have the EditorType icon while every others have it. It’s just weird.

    #16198 Likes: 0
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    Good point… Though the menu is nice and the icons too… but not having them both at the same time but have a toggle?


    #16200 Likes: 0
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    First, for the double entry to switch between modes. I haven’t found the time for a workflow development cycle yet. I am still at implementing the once planned features. And this button menu is at the current point an experimental feature so that i can play around with it. I am simply not sure which one to keep. The dropdown box or the icon buttons.

    The dropdown box gives you the full name and doesn’t require so much space. But it is odd to use. The buttons are faster here, and better for muscle memory since they don’t dance around like the dropdown box. But also visually noisier.

    The problem here is the Blender code. One is Python, one is C. And i haven’t found a way to add a switch to display just one yet.

    What would you like to keep? :)


    #16201 Likes: 0
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    The buttons to switch between Outliner and Editor is to simplify workflow. We have those tab buttons also in the animation layout to switch between timeline, nla, graph editor and dopesheet editor. This gives simply more freedom. You don’t have to keep everything open at once since the vital parts are just one click away.

    #16202 Likes: 0
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    The standard layouts have the editor type menu hidden. It disturbs visually. When you drag open a new editor area, then this editor type menu becomes visible again. You can show hide it by right clicking at the menu bar and tick Hide Editortype Menu.

    When you want to show or hide the editortype menu permanently then simply save your startup file. The state of the flag, and so if the menu is shown or not is layout dependant.


    #16203 Likes: 0
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    I do like the quick layout icons for sure. 


    #16204 Likes: 0
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    Aaand thanks for your feedback :)

    #16207 Likes: 0
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    Hm, i have made the feature also a Blender addon. It is here: http://www.reinerstilesets.de/anderes/blender-addons/mode-tab-buttons/

    So that would be a way to have the icon buttons displayed or removed. But also here the problem that there is no way to hide the dropdown box for the modes. And the addon version has a few quirks. Using external icons in Blender UI is not solved in the nicest way. It is laggy.

    I guess i will remove the icon buttons at one point again. The fastest and most convenient way is to use hotkeys to switch between modes. You use the feature to switch modes too much. And Bforartists has standard hokteys here. 1 to 8 above the letters.

    #16214 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,214

    I was thinking about the new button switch for layouts that you have repeated on the info bar. I often create new layouts on the fly so that layout tab bar also is a little redundant. The shortcut Ctrl+left-right arrow to switch layouts would be great as additoinal icons in that same bar. 


    #16215 Likes: 0
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    Hm, i could theoretically add two buttons besides the layout tabs. But then it makes no big difference if you click at those two buttons or directly at the needed layout. The question is if it is worth the entry. And in this case the answer for me is no :)

    But thanks for the suggestion :)

    Just curious, what kind of layouts do you create? Because that’s one of the diseases that i want to cure. I don’t want the user to create their own layouts permanently. That’s why the editortype menu is hidden. When it is needed to create own layouts then the standard layouts are missing something.

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