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  • #14222 Likes: 0
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    I have loved the videos summerizing the new changes you’ve managed to do. I am working with Blender in a studio, and realized it’s shortcomings that make me loose time on small things like workflow. I would like to see how this fork may make things faster in production. 

    Unfortunately, they use a version previous the current but still newer than Bforartist 0.7.0. They use 2.77a, and the current is 2.78a. The version you use is 2.76, meaning a lot of their rigging may be broken inside this version of Blender. 

    Also, there are some key updates to the grease pencil which are really strong and artist friendly, potentially, that are great for new artists that are lacking in this version. 

    I am not much help to recompile, but I want to use this version more than the original Blender. I just hope it was more up to date. 

    What are the odds of recompiling these awesome new UI cleanups to the newer versions of blender, which are now 2 releases ahead of you?


    #16197 Likes: 0
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    Hey Draise :)

    First the good news. It is planned to update the Bforartists version to Blender 2.78 at one point. And this point isn’t even this far away. There is not this much missing. But some parts are. And first i want to be through with all the changes before i start to port them over. Keep in mind that Bforartists is still in heavy development, and not finished. It hasn’t reached the production state yet.

    The port. Well. It’s not as easy as creating a big patch and apply it at Blender 2.78a to get my changes applied there. That’s not how things works. It’s a bit more complicated. Quite a few vital parts have changed between 2.76 and 2.78. The Python version for example. And this means most probably that quite a few parts of my changes simply needs to be recreated. To repeat the steps at 2.78a will surely go a bit faster. But i still calculate with several months.

    But i cannot give you a time frame, sorry. It takes as long as it takes.

    I would suggest to come back when you see the version number become equal to or higher than 1.0 :)

    #16199 Likes: 0
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    hahaha, higher than 1.0. cheeky


    #16205 Likes: 0
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    We are at the moment at 0.7 :)

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