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  • #14263 Likes: 0
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    Modified Shortcut template based off the Bforartists 0.9.2 version. I did these for my own personal use, but thought to share with you guys. See if it makes sense. I wrote a couple of arguements as to why I changed or added them.

    • F for focus in most UI editors (as in F for focus, standard in most 3D software, closer to left hand for ergonomics, very typical shortcut)
    • R and derivitives for radius on all items (as in R for radius)
    • , and . for jumping between markers in the VSE and other animation UI editors
    • CTRL + SHIFT + U reverted for the preferences panel like as in Blender (or else you have to use the mouse, open to suggestions, maybe CTRL + SHIFT + P)
    • T and SHIFT+T for property panel fixed to be consistent with main 3D view editor [FIXED]



    #17057 Likes: 0
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    I have fusioned the latest BFA hotkey list to my blender defaults I like, minus some obvious ones that won’t call up menus and others from Blender that I don’t like. This is just my attempt to still keep BFA keyboard happy as I don’t like just mouse workflows, and I prefer double hand workflows, and yet still keep it relatively inline with Blender tutorial guidelines and other people who use Blender, yet still benefit from the optimization BFA offers from the getgo, specifically the WER trs controls.

    So key new features

    • Fixed shortcuts for the VSE Transform Tool addon
    • Added back some Blender defaults
    • As I have done for Softimage, SHIFT 1,2,3,4,5 for obvious modeling tools in Edit Mode
    • Most shortcuts from BFA remain the same.



    #17058 Likes: 0
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    Mh. Be careful with sharing BFA keymaps. There is a bug in the Blender kemyap exporter that mixes up the shortcuts for switching modes. Usually the one to enter pose mode turns into a second hotkey to enter object mode again. And i was not able to find the cause yet. Means this needs a manual fix after exporting.

    I miss the time to have a look at it at the moment. But will check your keymaps when i find time.


    #17059 Likes: 0
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    Yeah, I did notice that.

    I have resorted to building the keymaps editing the python files directly and merging them manually that way, doing comparisons, etc. I have done some minor updates cleaning up some of the sequencer shortcuts which I’ll upload soon. I should comment them too…. it’s more work than one would expect! Took me like 5 hours just comparing the two then merging!

    I know you have taking away many shortcuts and kept it clean, which I love – lot’s of work you’ve done cleaning up the UI. This doesn’t have to be used, though maybe it will help with Blender user adaptation to have the carryover shortcuts from Blender.



    #17062 Likes: 0
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    Ah cool, so you fixed it already :)

    #17094 Likes: 0
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    Been working in Bforartists with my new shortcut layout, and cleaned up some things. I also got most of the Edit Mode shortcuts into SHIFT + NUMBER system so they are all in one hand and not conflict with anything else, similar to how I configured Softimage. It is fairly ergonomic, don’t have to jump around the keyboard. I also cleaned up the item selection system to be all together on the keyboard, and with ALT have the extrusion system. S and D are for seperating and ripping, and vertix/edge slide like systems.

    Here is the fixed Mesh select. For some reason the default BFA shortcut had it as XC and Y or I, don’t recall. So I changed it to XCV.

    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('mesh.select_mode', 'X', 'PRESS')
    kmi_props_setattr(kmi.properties, 'type', 'VERTEX')
    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('mesh.select_mode', 'C', 'PRESS')
    kmi_props_setattr(kmi.properties, 'type', 'EDGE')
    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('mesh.select_mode', 'V', 'PRESS')
    kmi_props_setattr(kmi.properties, 'type', 'FACE')

    Here is how I set up the Mesh Edit shortcuts, to a degree. Still being tested:

    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('mesh.mesh.extrude_edges_move', 'X', 'PRESS', alt=True) #modified - Draise
    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('mesh.extrude_region_move', 'C', 'PRESS', alt=True) #modified - Draise
    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('view3d.edit_mesh_extrude_move_normal', 'V', 'PRESS', alt=True) #modified - Draise

    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('mesh.loopcut_slide', 'ONE', 'PRESS', shift=True) #modified - Draise
    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('mesh.offset_edge_loops_slide', 'ONE', 'PRESS', shift=True, ctrl=True) #modified -Draise

    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('mesh.knife_tool', 'TWO', 'PRESS', shift=True) #modified - Draise
    kmi_props_setattr(kmi.properties, 'use_occlude_geometry', True) #from Blender
    kmi_props_setattr(kmi.properties, 'only_selected', False) #from Blender

    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('mesh.knife_tool', 'TWO', 'PRESS', shift=True, ctrl=True) #modified - Draise
    kmi_props_setattr(kmi.properties, 'use_occlude_geometry', False)
    kmi_props_setattr(kmi.properties, 'only_selected', True)

    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('mesh.f2', 'THREE', 'PRESS', shift=True) #modified - Draise
    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('mesh.looptools_bridge', 'THREE', 'PRESS', shift=True, ctrl=True) #modified - Draise

    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('mesh.bisect', 'FOUR', 'PRESS', shift=True) #modified - Draise
    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('mesh.inset', 'FOUR', 'PRESS', shift=True, ctrl=True) #modified - Draise

    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('mesh.subdivide', 'FIVE', 'PRESS', shift=True) #modified - Draise
    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('mesh.edge_face_add', 'FIVE', 'PRESS', shift=True, ctrl=True) #modified - Draise

    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('mesh.separate', 'S', 'PRESS') #modified - Draise
    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('mesh.split', 'S', 'PRESS' , alt=True) #modified - Draise
    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('mesh.rip_move', 'S', 'PRESS', shift=True) #modified - Draise
    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('mesh.rip_move_fill', 'S', 'PRESS', shift=True, ctrl=True) #modified - Draise
    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('mesh.rip_edge_move', 'S', 'PRESS', shift=True, ctrl=True, alt=True) #modified - Draise

    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('transform.vert_slide', 'D', 'PRESS') #modified - Draise


    I also added O as the button for toggling Proportional editing, from Blender.

    I also added to the timeline a system to set the start and end frame, which was something I used a lot in Layout workflows

    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('time.start_frame_set', 'LEFT_ARROW', 'PRESS', alt=True) #added by Draise
    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('time.end_frame_set', 'RIGHT_ARROW', 'PRESS', alt=True) #added by Draise


    Ultimately I have changed the F for focus on object, and changed all radius so R, which is fitting as it is to scale the radius, as in scale the object.

    I have also, in greasepencil, made ALT+R to scale. I also added a shorcut to activate the Grease Pencil sculpting mode which was also missing for some reason: D+S 

    I also added index shortcuts to the brush types, but made it so they didin’t conflict with toggling the modes through the number set, in the index order, SHIFT+NUMBER and CTRL+SHIFT+NUMBER. But I plan to change the index order to my most used brushes first, or find a way to change the order how I want it from the get go.


    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('brush.active_index_set', 'NINE', 'PRESS', shift=True) #modified by Draise
    kmi_props_setattr(kmi.properties, 'mode', 'sculpt')
    kmi_props_setattr(kmi.properties, 'index', 8)
    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('brush.active_index_set', 'ZERO', 'PRESS', shift=True) #modified by Draise
    kmi_props_setattr(kmi.properties, 'mode', 'sculpt')
    kmi_props_setattr(kmi.properties, 'index', 9)
    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('brush.active_index_set', 'ONE', 'PRESS', shift=True, ctrl=True) #modified by Draise
    kmi_props_setattr(kmi.properties, 'mode', 'sculpt')
    kmi_props_setattr(kmi.properties, 'index', 10)
    kmi = km.keymap_items.new('brush.active_index_set', 'TWO', 'PRESS', shift=True, ctrl=True) #modified by Draise
    kmi_props_setattr(kmi.properties, 'mode', 'sculpt')
    kmi_props_setattr(kmi.properties, 'index', 11)

    I have started also to note my changes, but many I have added or changed without noting, which was a bad move from the beginning. The idea came to me only AFTER I started.

    Man, I see why you wanted to get rid of all the shortcuts to a bare minimum – but I also see why Blender decided to be shortcut heavy as most 3D software are, because two hands are quicker than one… Just making all the shortcuts more ergonomic is really what I’m trying to do, just like the new WER system. 

    I also grabbed the Marker from Blender, and some others that were not included in BFA from Blender (but also modified to a degree, like removed anything that called panels so that it wouldn’t cause errors, like what you did, removed X for delete, etc).

    I plan to compare documents on the next release of the shortcut update you plan to do. I am looking forward to it. I will then fusion whatever improvements you do with the one I’m working on here. I am finding editing in Python directly is so much easier to stay organized and understand what everything does.


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