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  • #14275 Likes: 0
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    I posted two things into the tracker, a misplaced shortcut, minor; and a bug for an addon with the secuencer which I thought was identical to the original, but it seems to be broken – and having it not supported officially by Bforartists, I hope it would remain as intact as the original blender version…. rant over.

    But today they are.. not in the tracker?? They have dissappeared.



    #17049 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    Hey Draise,

    They have not disappeared, they have been handled and are already closed. The one has been fixed in master, and is marked as resolved. It will come with the next Bforartists version then. In the other issue there was nothing to fix since everything works as intended. At least as far as i could tell. You know that we don’t do support for video editing and game engine.



    There is of course always the chance that the second issue is still an issue, and that i haven’t understood the problem well enough. Feel free to comment it, and to provide more information. We can reopen it at any point. But note that we cannot give support and fix documentation for addons. That’s the job of the addon developers, sorry. And that’s the problem here from what i have figured out.

    Hmmm, you should get a notification when somebody posts in a tracker issue where you are involved. Everybody involved gets a email notification. Except when you have turned this feature off. Did you not get a email notification? Have you turned this feature off?

    Kind regards


    #17056 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Thanks for that. I went through the shortcuts and finally found what I was looking for and made the fix for Bforartists. So yeah, no more problem with that addon by adding those shortcuts I listed in the tracker. 

    I also updated my email notifications, as it was set to “none” – not sure if it was default or my absentmindedness.



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