Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #14277 Likes: 0
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    When I’m in edit, sculpt, grease pencil or any mode outside object mode, I need to rotate around selections and sculpt points. But due to the very nature that R click is often erase, cancel point edit or knife mode or tool, or to cancel other aspects – I often can’t rotate while I’m knifing a mesh or when I’m sculpting or drawing in GP. I have to cancel those attributes, rotate for a better view, and try do what I was doing from the other view.

    I highly recommend a default middle mouse button as rotate, and ALT + middle mouse button or something you’d find in Maya or Max or other ALT orientated rotation systems.

    The R mouse button for viewport rotation doesn’t quite work with a miriad of BFA’s shortcuts and features.



    #17063 Likes: 0
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    Thanks for the report. Yes, there migth still be some conflicts. But i doubt it’s really a miriad. Tell me the exact case and we will find a solution :)

    EDIT, knife and rmb to cancel is one case it seems. I will investigate here.

    #17064 Likes: 0
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    Draw grease Pencil with D and drag, and then try rotate with R Mouse, it will erase the GP drawing.


    #17065 Likes: 0
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    I am trying to remember which esle, but the Knife tool and the GP viewport rotation are the first ones that I remember.


    #17066 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    I will investigate into them. Thanks :)


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