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  • #14336 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    Were the shortcuts for the brushed in the sculpting environment changed to anything different? Or simply removed? I can´t find anything about it in the manual.

    It would be quite handy to be able to quickly switch the brushes while sculpting without the need to go into the sidebar all the time. I also noticed, for the mask brush; in order to reset the mask, a hotkey, Alt-M in Blender, is the only option to get rid of the mask again, since there is no option available in the sidebar for this. – Or am I missing something (again^^).

    EDIT: Got it, it´s in the bottom menu, I just have to know where to look. :D … Optional shortcuts would be handy anyway for a fast scultpting process.

    #17610 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    Glad you found it :)

    Hotkeys, as told, the keymap is as reduced as possible … ^^

    #17613 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    I am not so sure about that approch to be honest. I would say the shortcuts should be reduced to the neccessary. ;)

    Why does it have to be “either-or” while the real power of a complex software like BforArtists / Blender lies in “AND”? – BforArtists does a tremendous job in being intuitive to use and rather clear in its structure. But for professional use speed is important and having to go into the side menu for a specific function again and again slows down the workflow, which should be highest priority. For example the loop-cut-and-slide function in edit mode should most definetely have a dedicated shortcut to speed up modeling. – Again the function on the toolshelf is great like it is, but after a while a shortcut would be the better input option.

    Of course I can and will put the shortcuts back where I see they are needed, but I believe other users would benefit from keeping the most essential shortcuts for a fast, professional workflow in as well. ;)

    And for the sculpting environment having to go into the sidebar for one brushstroke and then back again for another takes the fun out of the process a bit.

    Is there a way to export the hotkeys to another computer easily and complete, I tried the export “key configuration”, but when I imported it to my other computer the keys wouldn´t all work like they should for some reason. Maybe there is a file (or multiple files) that I can copy directly from the install directory?

    #17614 Likes: 0
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    Sorry, i have separated some parts meanwhile since i thought it deserves its own thread ^^

    The solution that you are looking for is in this thread: https://www.bforartists.de/content/calling-help-full-keymap-bforartists



    Is there a way to export the hotkeys to another computer easily and complete, I tried the export “key configuration”, but when I imported it to my other computer the keys wouldn´t all work like they should for some reason. Maybe there is a file (or multiple files) that I can copy directly from the install directory?

    It should work, but there is a bug that i haven’t catched yet. Something in the text parsing is broken. And it happens in Blender too. There is unfortunately also no easy workaround available. I simply have no idea what is going on here. I just know that it already breaks at export. And so you have to fix it afterwards.

    What i do is to manipulate the keymap.py files directly in a text editor, and place it at the target location then.

    The file gets created when you manipulate the keymap and export it.

    #17616 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    What exactly would I have to manipulate. I opened the exported file, but of course can´t make much sense out of it. ^^.

    #17617 Likes: 0
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    Give me a few moments. I am at cooking ^^

    #17619 Likes: 0
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    Okay. The original bforartists.py keymap file is in 2.79scriptspresetskeyconfig

    And here you can also place new created keymap when you don’t want to import it. But the keymap import is not the problematic part. It’s already the export where it breaks here and there.

    Let’s dive a bit deeper.

    As you may notice, the Blender keymap is not there. This one is hardcoded. What Blender does, and of course Bforartists too, is to store the differences to the hardcoded keymap. When you manipulate a keymap, and save the user preferences, then this differences goes into the *.blend file that stores the user preferences. So still no file to manipulate.

    You have to export the keymap, which creates a text file. And that’s already the part where some key entries gets corrupted then. And needs a fix. My favourite is the hotkey for Pose mode, which gets remapped to Object mode then.

    What you could do is to compare your new created keymap with the original Bforartists keymap. That way you can find the differences, and that way you can fix what is broken, and save the file then. There are tools that allows you to compare text files. Meld for example. It’s a programmer tool that i use very often. It colors you what is different. http://meldmerge.org/

    I wouldn’t recommend the other way that i do. Adding the keymap items in the text file. That’s the programmer approach ^^

    But in both cases you need to know how everything works. And so let’s describe how the text file is build. It’s in fact not this complicated. We have for example this entry for a hotkey:

    kmi = km.keymap_items.new(‘object.parent_set’, ‘P’, ‘PRESS’, ctrl=True)

    Ignore the kmi= … part. The vital part here is object.parent_set. That’s the operator, in this case parenting. P is the hotkey. PRESS means when key is pressed. ctrl=true tells us that the hotkey works togehter with ctrl. The hotkey for parenting in pose mode is there fore Ctrl+P.

    That’s already it. Every entry is a single hotkey. Or at least neary. There are some special cases where you have additional properties and settings. But here you better let Bforartists create the entries, and fix them afterwards then.

    I hope i haven’t confused you too much ^^




    #17639 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,214

    There is a sculpt addon I found that converts all your brushes into icons in a toolshelf panel/tab. No need to open up any panels nor toggle switches with any shortcuts. I also found a sculpt pie menu addon that can help. I too indeed found this a troubleing and very cumbersome workflow at the current state. I also was not happy with Blenders workflow, by using a specials menu W, other myriad of shortcuts (that are not great when you have more than one custom brush created), nor the Dynamic Spacebar workflow. So here are some addons:

    Sculpt Pie Menu addon

    Brush Panel

    The Brush Panel is very familiar with the Node Panel workflow added to BFA, have everything in icons/labels all in one panel: one mouse over, select (no shortcuts, not hidden floating menus, no tab switching). They even simplified and economized the brush settings in that tab. They also include a bunch of brushes you can optionally load into Blender. The system also is dynamic with the brushes you build, unlike the keyboard shortcut system, a huge flaw.



    #17640 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    That brush panel looks great, should also work really nice with a tablet and pen. Definetely something to try, Thanks, Draise.

    @ Reiner, that looks like a lot of manual work. :/ … But when I copy the whole directory of the “portable” BfA and the settings from the Windows User folder I should get an exact clone on the other computer right? .^^

    #17645 Likes: 0
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    Not the installation folder with the exe. You need the folder in the appdata directory. That’s where the settings are stored. See screenshot :)

    #17646 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    Perfect, that will do I guess.

    #17647 Likes: 0
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    Draise, shall we include this addon that you linked? What’s your opinion?

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