Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #14361 Likes: 0
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    So far we have around 550 likes, 3 app downloads, our first thirdparty share to a group, and some commented feedback liking the ideas of the [Tip of the Day].



    #18268 Likes: 0
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    Things have been good, nearing a thousand likes. Though lately due to work I have had to slow down publicity and investment due to the Christmas Period. I hope to keep it active regardless and hit it hard again over the new years.




    #18269 Likes: 0
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    Rayman from trueSpace was talking on there and we get a bunch of likes from regulars. 


    #18271 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    This is great news :)

    #18783 Likes: 0
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    Now publishing the UV tutorials. I am still a bit in a rut with funds after a traveling holiday, but in March I will continue investing in publicity.


    #18787 Likes: 0
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    No pressure. It’s still everything in development anyways :)

    #18822 Likes: 0
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    I have started making images again, and putting things up into a queue. I have also created some groups to give some people and option to be heard in that social network. I haven’t put any more investment in just yet, but thinking about it. Maybe like 5 dollars a week in publicity or something for more likes/followers or downloads.


    #18826 Likes: 0
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    I’m against buying anything. Bforartists is free and open source.

    #18835 Likes: 0
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    Publicity ads cost on Facebook. I could go guerilla and push everything to groups and spamming around, but the ad system in facebook is pretty accurate, efficient and worth the investment. I just put in my personal cash and the ads run, my contribution – getting likes and some download links (which are free to the user). I have done so already, that’s how we got the good near thousand likes. Eventually we’d need around 20,000 to 50,000 to be a spot on the 3D software map.

    The investment is for publicity, not to make facebook user purchase Bforartist! Just to clarify. The ads would have a budget I invest in, small one, and the ads run to more people that I could never physically ever reach – no cashflow at ALL between Bforartists and the users, nor the facebook page and it’s user. Of course it’s free and opensource. 

    The “investment” in publicity is just to have a stronger fanbase and potential developers. 




    #18839 Likes: 0
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    I see :)

    I have nothing against it as long as it’s not officially paid by Bforartists :)

    #18842 Likes: 0
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    All good, you got my word.


    #18871 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    Do you think it is worth the investment? – It´s a bit strange, that the second you stopped paying for the ads, there were literally no further likes. With almost 1000 followers I would have imagined at least some of them react in a way onto the new posts? – Maybe the direct promotion in other groups would be something to try out if it is more efficient?

    #18873 Likes: 0
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    Might do. Our first 5 star rating was from a paid growth, also majority of the likes in the time were of newbies. Now we have the fans and regulars only, with small organic growth. I get forum chat often where I’ve talked about Bfa. Good feedback. I also get good feedback from the Spanish community. Like the Lclick proposal.

    I have made a good groups map now. Will refine it more.  So now I know where to target.  Facebook has also changed its algorithms… which for groups is great.  More conversation makes things more organic and makes group posts more visible.  Before this change I would have considered it not even half as effective as the effort vs time value I’d invest into ads. It takes time to manually post and cross pollinate. Covering my labour elsewhere into ads to save time… it’s alright. Even with like a dollar a day.

    Oh, just to say, I hit a quiet time posting in December/start of Jan (a real no no).. I had things hot, people were reacting nicely, then I went quiet for nerly a month – due to the Christmas period, travel, and big deadlines I had to work with. That probably also coincided with the no-ads drop when I stopped investing (to buy some Christmas gifts, haha) – meaning there was less content to react to in the same period for the organics – thus the conspiracy. 

    I have to admit, 2-10% of all subscribers.. anywhere, if that, are generally active. You want to be bloated with exponential numbers if you want any kind of activity. Seems the trend of the internet is mostly of “watchers”. 




    #18888 Likes: 0
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    Did a group cross pollination on the new nodes panels [Feature Fix] post. Got 3 likes on the page from 800 views, so, it’s a worthy strategy to mix in with the ads once I reactivate them! 


    #19005 Likes: 0
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    Uploaded about 3 weeks worth of images and things, getting things back into swing. Have developed a better workflow and if I have enough “dedicated” focused hours of a week or so, I can do this more efficiently, instead of in waves depending on life. I have also thought up a cool competition and nice prizes (paid addons, they have GPL liscenses which I’m investigating – possibly investigating some devs to see if they’d like the idea). 

    I have nearly finished uploading the UV tutorials, will publish them casually over the next 3 weeks.

    I’ll keep yous posted!


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