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  • #14427 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4

    Sorry for the newb question, but how can I transform things like faces using a gizmo, instead of it defaulting to the freeform view space. Pressing E with some faces selected, sends them off into an uncontrolled rotation at the slightest movement of my mouse….

    #19382 Likes: 0
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    HI furiouscrumb,

    Hmm, the 3d widget should be on by default. You can press Q to toggle the 3D widget. Or click the widget button. You can define three types of widget. Move. Rotate. Scale. With holding Shift and clicking at the buttons you can select more than one widget type.

    When you use transform with the WER keys, and not with the gizmo, then hold down Shift to have a finer control. And holding down Ctrl gives you a way to increase or to decrease in steps.

    And one more. When you use transform with the WER keys, and just want to go into one direciton, then press W for move for example, then X to transform into the X axis. Then the transform just happens in X direction.

    I hope this helps :)

    Kind regards


    #19385 Likes: 0
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    Also on the left of those toggles make sure the reference is based off median point or something other than object center or 3d cursor. Those pivot points make unpredictable rotations.


    #19388 Likes: 0
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    Hmm… just tried those suggestions, but I still don’t get the transform gizmo like I would expect (image attached)


    #19391 Likes: 0
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    Huh? That’s odd. So what happens when you press the hotkey Q or click at the widget button? Nothing? Is the 3D widget at any point visible? Note that when you click at it then it turns invisible to allow the transform operation without the widget to be visibly in the way.

    Hm, then it’s time to ask for your system specifications. I know that some Intel graphics chips can make big trouble. And i think i have heard of vanishing UI elements too. Blender and Bforartists works best with a ATI graphics card or a NVidia graphics card. So what is your system and your operating system?

    And could you be so kind to check if the same happens with Blender too?

    #19394 Likes: 0
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    Here a short video how it should behave:


    #19398 Likes: 0
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    Based on the video, I’m experiencing the correct behaviour – but my problem lies in the edit mode. When I want to rotate or scale a component (edge, vert, face) I don’t see a widget at all

    UPDATE: Ok, if I select a face, then change the widget type to “rotate” it’s all good. However, the beahviour I’m getting is:

    1. Go into Edit mode, select a face, see the translate widget

    2. Press “E” to rotate a face

    3. Get no widget, and immediately start spinning the face in view space.

    I’m sure this is just a workflow I’m not used to, and not a bug. In Maya for example, I’ll get a different widget everytime I change my transformation mode (move, rotate, scale) with the hotkeys. In Blender, it seems like there’s an extra step I keep missing.

    #19401 Likes: 0
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    2. Press “E” to rotate a face

    Gotcha. Here we have our rascal :D

    Don’t press press E to use the widget. Just click with the mouse at the handler and pull :)

    Pressing E, or W or R  enters the manual transform mode. That’s an independant mode* from the widget. The useage of the Widget is simply grabbing the handler with the mouse and pull, without holding any hotkey.

    * It offers you for example fine control with holding down shift. Something that the widget does not offer. And it is not bound at axis. At least not as long as you don’t limit it to axis.

    In Blender, it seems like there’s an extra step I keep missing.

    In Blender this extra step is to manually change the widget type. We might hotkey this at one point. There is an idea to connect it with the WER keys too, with holding control or alt or shift. But currently you have to click at the widget type in the header that you want to choose-. See Image above, Move, Rotate, Scale.

    Hope that helps



    #19402 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4

    Oh, ok, very good to know! I’ll give this a shot next.

    I also switched over my preset to Maya, and I don’t seem to have this “issue” anymore. The correct widget now shows up when I cycle through move/rotate/scale in edit mode.

    Thanks for all the help. I’m a long time Maya user (and Lightwave back in the 90s) so Blender is a bit of mystery still!

    #19403 Likes: 0
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    I should take a look into this. This might have solved a keyboard/manipulator/mode issue we were trying to figure out what to do.

    EDIT: they just activate the widget, and not move it immediately. Oh well.


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