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  • #14436 Likes: 0
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    Is a material on the interface of the blender. 2.8 e 2.79 . 



    live (spanish)


    source: https://blender.community/c/today/9jcbbc/2-8-ui-proposal-2-79b-more-blender-today-live

    Blender mockups by  Pablo Vazquez

    What: This is a collection of interactive user interface proposals for Blender. developers. None of this is official, changes must be agreed on by the rest of the Interface Design module owners.






    Blender 2.8: development plan

    link: blender 2.8: development plan


    #19466 Likes: 0
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    Yes, there is some nice stuff in the pipeline. But there is some nice stuff in the pipeline since 20 years. In 2015 they promised to have a break for a year to develop Blender 2.8. Two years after this estimated release date has passed they start to THINK about the changes. Well, at least …

    So let’s wait and see what happens. The usual process in the past was to implement parts of it half arsed, and then leave it alone. And they will never let go RMB select. So i am highly pessimistic.

    We will see :)

    #19467 Likes: 0
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    I went on the live and mentioned Bforartists. He thought we were trying to assimulate or mold Blender to be more like Autodesk, and mentioned it – saying he didn’t want to start any wars with that – fair enough. I then clarified a bit on the goals and chuckled to myself to see some points he continued talking about already implemented into Bforartists. Though what he mentioned of BFA.. didin’t make sense, clearly not understanding the vision of why this fork.. but it’s curious to know they are aware it exists.

    It was nice when I noticed the topics mentioned in the live video have already been implimented into Bforartists in a number of various ways – so I know the UI system of BFA is working. I feel the development is lightyears ahead of Blenders UI development, and will always be. If they make UI improvements to the source code of Blender, it will be included on the hundreds of improvements already done here… so it’s good, saves us work, but also.. not threatening and welcome – and really, great. I prefer less “specialized” and consistent workflows in all software, so it’s nice. 

    From what I know, the development of Blender, being opensource, is political and comittee based – there is no president/prime minister calling the final judgement and guiding the whole diplomatic process forward with a particular agenda – so it’s slow and buerecratic. Will always be slow… it’s nice to see people think – but getting great tools, addons or modifications done quickly and have them voted in for future releases… Bforartists is like night and day compared to that development cycles. Here there is a head, and the priorities are less about features and more UI centric and some workflow with what can be done – there is a clear and pragmatic agenda. 

    But it’s a nice symbiosis, Blender works on the source features and backend – and BFA works on the UI…. I am keen to see how they make the UI more easy to modify win the code, adding better customization – which might make the C coded areas open to the public through python.. hopefully.  But other than that, I think they should bet more on the feature set than UI right now, like Eevee (about time), collections (also about time, Softimage had this 12 years ago) and then clean up the code to help give people access to the UI – like less C code locked areas in the UI which I’m finding as huge roadblocks here..


    #19470 Likes: 0
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    These are the team’s briefing emails


    these are some pictures. by  Pablo Vazquez

    Reading the texts, it is possible to understand some problems and to have new ideas.

    #19472 Likes: 0
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    Icon tabs to the side would be awesome. Funny how the bake tools were moved to the toolshelf in BFA already.  All for making better grid system.



    #19645 Likes: 0
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    I have been looking at the new 2.8 builds just now, to check out the UI changes thus far. I am liking some developments so far.

    The quick switch for layouts of BFA is now a tab system in 2.8 that you can build and destroy on the fly (workspace) – and each layout has a sub layout for windows layouts traditional of the old Blender, and they all have previews, which is nice. But in practice.. not even the scenes switch on a “workspace”. Seems deeper in concept, with addons and scene settings, but easy to not understand. I hope they clean this up a bit.  (In concept though, it’s the same as the layout switch toolbar of BFA, just more flexible/customizable with added addon/settings). It does look like though, that they will remove all the defaults – apparently. Meaning full creative proposals for BFA. I am not pro “everyone must customize their defaults” to use the software from the get go – sometimes you want a quick install on a workstation, get the artists to start working, and have great defaults to immediately start work. I like this of BFA.

    The timeline is removed and will be replaced/fusioned into Dopesheet (Great, I was about to propose that for BFA)

    The new Outliner is fantastic! This is how an outliner should work, with filters, view changes, and with partitions/collections and fusioned into layers. Finally modernized and up to competition with Softimage and Maya. Though they put the menu groups into submenus where you have to move mouse twice now to get to common actions.. doh.

    The new theme is quite nice, tbh. Though over time I can feel the eyes strain.

    The new view switch to side columns is curious… not convinced yet.

    The top toolbar being frozen in place is a nice touch.

    Everything else feels the same, is the same, and… still needs Bforartists magic. The new Eevee controls are starting to already feel bloated and all over the place. The new Workspace settings is clunky and still needs work (though it looks handy),  



    #19646 Likes: 0
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    Let them do their job first. They are ways not done. Maybe they even manage to deliver a good graphical UI this time so that we can stop the fork ;)

    They will stick to the Hotkey centered workflow. That was clear in the first moment already. But let’s see what they do with the UI. Everything can still change.

    By the way, they want to merge 2.8 into the master in around two weeks. This marks the end of the 2.79x development cycle then. Question is what we do. It makes not this much sense to continue development with the 2.79 line when the blender master is 2.8 already. The 2.79 cycle has ended. That’s why i personally think about to make the next Bforartists version the gold version 1.0 then. And continue with the 2.8 line too. The tracker is nearly empty anyways.

    On the other hand, it makes not this much sense to try to change the 2.8 UI while it is still in heavy change. The code quest goes around three more months. That’s the time frame in which they want to finish 2.8 to a first release version. They want to present it at the Siggraph this year. So best ist we wait until this point before we start to invest. There are still some things in our tracker. So there’s still enough work around.

    #19685 Likes: 0
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    Some of the new Blender UI is integrated into the latest 2.8 release. – And it actually looks really good, it seems they got inspired by BfA.^^ – The new tab sytem is brilliant, by the way. – Let´s see how the story continues?


    #19686 Likes: 0
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    The tabs, timeline and outliner improvements are..yeah, great. mis being able to toggle the icons, though it’s possible.. and by far the sidebar is lacking still – also they haven’t addressed the idea of.. where on earth do you edit/use the tool options after applying them? They put them to the top, but they are all dropdowns… No mouseovers anymore.. 

    But we’ll see..I am a little nervous. I hope a lot of the work done in BFA doesn’t get undone – and I hope the changes they make are easy to get into codewise….. because I’m still not convinced. 

    The new viewport widget is very nice though.


    #19687 Likes: 0
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    Yes, I am a bit nervous too, because not having eevee and the other improvements in BfA would be pretty sad. – Let´s wait and see.

    #19688 Likes: 0
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    This was to expect. They change really lots of things at the moment. That’s why i said Blender 2.8 will be a completely new development cycle :)

    #19696 Likes: 0
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    Looking forward to that cycle, hopefully I’ll have the time and skill to compile for there!

    A small detail I just noticed in the last update by Pablo Vasquez is that… they put the render toggle in the same place as BFA, which I naturally found… BFA for the win! It’s… it feels like this fork is the pioneer to usability in Blender indirectly.



    #19700 Likes: 0
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    In some areas for sure. I know they have an eye at Bforartists :)

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