Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #14440 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Just wanted to say, when tired/sick and in deadlines, and when switching between software..not having shortcuts and everything organized and in the toolbar and or easy to discover with icons in simple one place menus through mouse… is relaxing…… 

    I feel I am saving so much stress – not needing to go to manuals to remember that shortcut, not have to watch a random tutorial, or many, to discover that one particular shortcut for a menu, over and over again… I just move the mouse, I remember where it was because it was in only one place… and viola. 

    I even discovered features of Blender I never knew existed because.. it all were in iconized menus. Lovely.

    So..just wanted to say thanks. laugh

    Images: A projects I’m doing with a client since December, 10 videos. I started in Softimage, rendering in Machstudio Pro2 – but now I migrated some of the projects to Bforartists and Unreal Engine. We build and animate most of the things in BFA, then export to Unreal Engine to render. WIP.


    #19485 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    Yeah, having icons available takes the pain out of the interface :)

    #19486 Likes: 0
    • Posts 84

    I’ve done more in the last few months than I done in years thanks to BFA, right now I’m stuck with 0.9.5 waiting for a couple of plugins to be updated (skp import/export and Renderman) Renderman might be done but its the skp one I need, sadly its way faster for me to use Sketchup to begin with.


    I think BFA can make tuts a little bit harder to follow BUT I’m more likely to figure stuff out for myself just by the icons, or I try the tut in Blender and migrate it to BFA

    #19502 Likes: 0
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    I tend to agree. I was using Blender for like years learning everything, slowly, even used it in studios here that use Blender – but picked up BFA and in less than 3 months I had doubled my skills.. and it helped not lean on the crutch of tutorials. 


    #19512 Likes: 0
    • Posts 84

    I used to beta test Thea and I would try and test the Blender plugin as well and hit the tutorials, I did some nice things but with in days I’d forget how I did it! and navigation was a PITA, its so much easier to go back to what we know

    BFA is a lot more logical, but I always do better with icon driven software, my Achilles heal has always been uv unwrapping and this is now improving with BFA :)


    #19526 Likes: 0
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    There is an amazing addon that works really well for UV work called Textools. He even put icons into his UI – I would love to have this addon included, but we’ll see.



    #19527 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    Textools looks awesome, thanks for the tip, Draise. – I have to check that out for sure. ;)

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