Hello, I have been trying to work with drivers, but often we work with scalars from 0.000 to 1.000, buuut the snapping in the Graph Editor for keyframe values is default to Integers, which makes the frames snap from 0 to 1 with no ability to move elsewhere (unless using a slider value).
Is there a way to turn of frame snapping on frames? I dug the internet and couldn’t find a way.
That’s afaik the way it is. The keyframes snaps to the integers. That’s where Blender wants them to be. Intermediate positions needs to be done manually.
Do you just want to turn the snaping off or snap to smaller increments than one? – Snaping to scalar values of frames is not possible I believe, but you can turn the snap off on the bottom of the graph editor.
This is it! Haha! Here I was looking for a magnet icon or something to disable. Thanks Davis. The snapping was truely annoying when it came to drivers and rigging.