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  • #14460 Likes: 0
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    End of month a new german law comes into effect. The so called “Datenschutz Grundverordnung”. A crazy privacy law which for example more or less forbids the embedding of social medias into webpages. This affects Youtube Videos, but also linked images. This means most probably that i have to deactivate the image tag here in the forum. And just allow attached images.

    I am still unsure what to do with my video tutorial section. I have a whole bunch of youtube tutorials embedded in the Wiki. For now i have set a privacy warning. But i guess i have to remove the videos.

    They are ruining the internet at the moment … :/

    – Reiner

    #19718 Likes: 0
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    I have made the youtube embedd links now youtube-nocookie links. I cannot delete our documentation, that’s crazy. I hope that this is privacy conform now. No idea what to do with the external images though. Luckily we don’t have this much of them.

    The law is as usual as consistent as pudding. Needs deeper investigation.

    #19719 Likes: 0
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    That law sounds ridiculous. How does this support user privacy!?

    Maybe a site loaded screen capture of the video and link to the youtube video on the site?



    #19720 Likes: 0
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    Well, from now on everything should be opt in. Means when you really follow the law then you can’t even visit a webpage anymore. Since you first would have to say yes to the visit. This law is plain crazy.

    Maybe a site loaded screen capture of the video and link to the youtube video on the site?

    Yes, theoretically this should work. But the image must be hostet by yourself then too. Since External images allows the external server to track you again …

    I have still no idea what to do with the external images. As told, this law is crazy, and not well thought through. I guess we have to wait how things goes. I am sure we will see some judges regarding this issue in the future.

    #19721 Likes: 0
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    Maybe change domain to a different country?

    #19722 Likes: 0
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    That’s no option, sorry ^^

    #19723 Likes: 0
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    Added a “this page uses cookies” banner. Biggest nonsense ever, since every page uses cookies. But that’s law …

    #19724 Likes: 0
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    Yes, this is a lot of work, but I believe in the end it is actually not that complicated and will lead to more transparency on what happens with all the data that is collected on the web.

    I think the BfA privacy policy needs an overhaul as well. First of all it has to be a seperate menu item in the footer and not be part of the imprint as far as I know. Then check some “generators” to make an updated text, I am missing for instance some info on, what is done with the email adresses that are used for registration and login. – Nothing apart from that obviously, but it still has to be mentioned I believe.

    #19725 Likes: 0
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    I think the BfA privacy policy needs an overhaul as well. First of all it has to be a seperate menu item in the footer and not be part of the imprint as far as I know. 

    I think we discussed this before. Privacy can be part of the  Impressum. The only thing is afaik that it needs to be accessible from every subpage. Which the footer is :)

    I am missing for instance some info on, what is done with the email adresses that are used for registration and login.

    Thanks for the hint. Will update this part :) 

    #19726 Likes: 0
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    Accessible, yes. – But if it is not named “privacy policy” it is considered not easily accessible. Although any normal thinking person would look into the imprint for it. – I believe those laws are made with the most stupid user on the internet in mind. :D^^

    #19727 Likes: 0
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    More the most stupid law makers :D

    #19728 Likes: 0
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    I did some changes now to the Privacy policy, with one of the generators as a sample. It shoud be conform now.

    #19736 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    To prove my point, this lawyer states: ” Verlinkung der Datenschutzerklärung auf Ihrer Website: Der Link zur Datenschutzerklärung sollte, wie das Impressum, einfach erkennbar und schnell erreichbar sein. Als Bezeichnungen kommen Zum Beispiel in Frage: „Datenschutzerklärung“, „Datenschutz“ oder „Impressum & Datenschutz“. ” – https://datenschutz-generator.de/

    #19737 Likes: 0
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    Yes, he separates it :)

    #19740 Likes: 0
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    Googles Recaptcha is now not longer conform. Very unfunny. This was one of the few antispam addons that worked …

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