Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #14474 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Just for fun, thought to update the fans on Facebook about the current state of development wit ha poll, and if BFA should continue after the release of 2.8. We got some great conversation going and a lot of nice votes – and the results are nice to see. I think creating polls on facebook and generating conversation is a great idea.

    Overall, out of around 60+ votes 73% suggest that the fork keep on developing even after 2.8.

    I have also attached a great testimony of the reception to Bforartists. 


    #19833 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    It is really great to hear that our work gets honored :)

    #19870 Likes: 0
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    Probably my first post here…:)

    Keep working on it. But you know what would REALLY tickle my undercarriage? ADDING IN TOUCH NAVIGATION. Sorry to scream there…but so little 3D programs have touch nagivation that works well (or at least works well with my Wacom Cintiq 27″ QHD Touch). Maya has it…but its…a bit clunky and unpredictable. I don’t want to have to have my keyboard to the side (this Cintiq if humungous!), and I like working with it more “flat”…ergo, I’d love to be able to just use my fingers to navigate the viewport. I LOVE Bforartists plethora of icons so I don’t have to use hot-keys all the time; I can religate a handful of hotkeys to my Wacom EK Remote (it’s a bit hard to get used to…so I use it infrequently).

    Anyway…from a person who’s been trying to use Blender since it was still owned by NaN and used almost exclusively for NeoGeo (yeah, I’m old!), Bforartists is a step in the direction I wanted Blender to go. At least Ton and the folks over in Blender land are FINALLY waking up to just why “3d indsutry standards” actually are standards.

    #19871 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    Thanks for your input pming. We will continue :)

    Changing or implementing touch control is unfortunately beyond the scope of Bforartists. Your best bet here is to get in touch with the Blender developers. That way changes at this end also ends in Bforartists :)

    #19872 Likes: 0
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    Figured as much. :( No worries though, At least it’s only a handful of buttons to memorize on the EZ Remote (or my Razer Chroma thingamajig…it works too, but still reqiers learning a LOT of muscle-memory).

    Maybe I can pay someone to impliment it (in Blender) and then release it for free to everyone. Might have to look into that. Thanks anyway, and keep on keepin’ on! :)

    #19873 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    What exactly are you trying to achieve? The interface is extremely customizable, so I guess pinch to zoom, drag etc. would be more a matter of changing the shortcuts within the preferences? – As for getting rid of the keyboard something like the “Pie Menu Editor” should get you there. If you can create your own pie menues, that are activated by Cintiq´s buttons you should be able to put 99% of the tools you regularely use in there? – It would be quite some work to do all those adjustments, but I can see how they would be very beneficial for a big Cintiq screen.


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