Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #14541 Likes: 0
    • Posts 16

    In my opinion it is hard to tell in the Outliner if a function is on or off.

    Maybe it would be better to use colored icons for switched on and black and white for switched off functions

    #20307 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    Thanks for your feedback.

    Do you have a screenshot of the problem?

    #20308 Likes: 0
    • Posts 16

    Hallo Reiner,

    die selbe Szene im Blender und im BfA Outliner. Bei Blender kann auch ein  Anfänger auf dem ersten Blick erkennen welches Objekt ausgeblended wurde. Bei BfA denkt man durch die saten Farben in den Icons, dass die Funtion aktiv ist.

    #20309 Likes: 0
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    Ah, verstehe. Ja, die Jungs färben da die Icons um. Das passt mit farbigen Icons nicht mehr. Und da haben wir grade eh einen Bug drin. Wie du siehst werden die falschen Icons angezeigt -.-

    Mal sehen ob wir da den Farbcode wieder aktivieren können.

    EDIT, hm, also grade gecheckt, und das wird schon weniger gesättigt wie in Blender auch. Problem hier sind grade nur die falschen Icons. Da bin ich dran …


    #20310 Likes: 0
    • Posts 7

    I think its not such a great idea to change from color to monochrome! I think its a better idea to make a red frame around something which is active! Or something in that direction! But I am still collecting ideas regarding icons!

    My main goal is to go as self explanitory as possible..and as common in 3d as possible! For me the design and function of an icon is good if everyone knows what it means without opening a manual! That isnt even just valid for 3d..its valid for every product! If you know how to use it when you grab it..its well designed!!!

    #20311 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    For anything above 7 icon types in a menu you need the following rules for efficiency in recognition in the brain.

    • Silluette
    • Form
    • Colour

    Monochrome and lineart icons for more than 400 icons is a serious design handicap. It works in modern devices because they adhere to minimalistic UI practices today. But they don’t take into account the hundreds of operators entries.

    Function over form is good design.

    Blender 2.8 misses out on silluette and colour and I’ve watched people struggle in everyday use here in the studio and among artist friends.

    I think BFA may need to redesign, unify, assimilate and improve what it has but a single colour with lineart is no way to go. Maybe minimalism and color design and new icona where there are needed, but the former icons are still more efficient.




    #20321 Likes: 0
    • Posts 16

    Bug is solved. Much better so.smiley

    #20322 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    Definitely ^^

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