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  • #14559 Likes: 0
    • Posts 3

    hello everyone. when i right click the line between tabs in both blender and bforartists 1 a menu appears offering to join or split tabs . while this is useful for customizing blender it can complicate things for a beginner if he by mistake splits or joins tabs. too many options can complicate a software interface. would the developers in the coming version allow an option, in the user preferences say, to lock tabs and disable joining and splitting and have it enabled by default. thanks.

    #20369 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    Hi fady,

    Thanks for your idea. I see what you  mean. But i don’t think it is a good idea to remove it. It is not really in the way. You explicitely need to right click at the line, which rarely happens by accident. There is an option to split up the area horizontally and vertically in the View – Area menu. So we need to keep a way to join them again. And i can’t think of another way to do so than the current Blender way.

    Kind regards


    #20370 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    A toggle to freeze views maybe could maybe be implemented?

    But true. They system is a hard one to mod8fy. BFA tried to make things more rigid by hiding the view toggles. That’s something.



    #20371 Likes: 0
    • Posts 3

    thanks for your reply. there is also the small green lines at the corner of the view, on which the mouse curser turns to a cross. if you pull it, which can happen by accident when resizing the view, the view or the tab is replicated.i find it a little unnecessary. this could be locked and unlocked in the preferences.

    #20372 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    Thanks for the idea. For now i better keep it the Blender way. We have so much other things to do first. Maybe we will find a solution to this dilemma in the future.

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