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  • #14598 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    I use discord a lot, and have a system of documentation/logging for my limited work in Bforartists to update people. I found ways to automate tasks closed/created to push to Facebook and Twitter, but maybe we can automate this to Discord too. But to do this requires creating a webhook in the backend of the repository.

    Can we make a discord webhook?

    Here is a link to the instructions (it’s easy)

    Once it’s created, a PM would suffice to get it linked.


    #20550 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    Hey Draise.

    The idea is not this bad. But please give me a few nights to really think about this.

    My first thought was, i would not be so happy to make our tracker tasks so public. It’s the bug and task tracker, not a public relations page. And i would hate  to care about every word that is written in it. Especially tasks that fails, or bugs. That’s not really advertising us :)

    #20551 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Ah ok. Thought closed tasks in the tracker shows some nice opensource transparency, but yeah, might not always look great.. hm.


    #20552 Likes: 0
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    Okay, i have slept a night over it. And the point is still the same. We won’t do this for told reason. Nevertheless thanks for the idea.

    #20553 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Ah ok. What inspired me was a twitter feed on the Blender Commit Logs. It doesn’t have a lot of following, and I just thought it nice to have for those who aren’t users of Github but want to stay updated on each bug, task and commit. 


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