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  • #14637 Likes: 0
    Narayan Aras
    • Posts 2

    It would be great to have a separate forum section for the b4a User Manual.

    That will allow people to provide feedback on UM.

    Currently, the only way is to download the odt files, make the necessary changes and upload the edited file to GitHub.

    This is too tedious. Not many people would be willing to take that much pain.

    Instead, let the users drop a few lines about errors and how to improve the content.

    This will encourage a lot of users to provide a feedback.

    #20750 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    Hey Narayan,

    Thanks for the suggestion. The manual has its own tracker at Github. So you could do your suggestions there, which i highly recommend. This would save us the work to transfer the forum threads to the tracker.



    #20753 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Maybe it would be good to have a pointer forum dedicated to the Manual that has a pinned thread to then shift and educate the user to report bugs, requests and more in the tracker once they land here. It’s relatively a new concept that you can feature request directly in a tracker.


    #20755 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    Yeah, no bad idea at all. I’ll have a look to make such a pin thread when we migrate the page to the new system.

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