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  • #21794 Likes: 0
    • Posts 5

    Hi all :bye: !

    I’ve dowloaded Bforartists 2 ( the zip format with no installer ).

    Trying to launch it make it crash !!!

    What appended : I saw a black console window, then a new window fitting all the screen with grey background and then … these 2 windows has desappeared !!!!

    I’ve previously used Bforartists v1.00 ( zipped format ) with no problems. And I still can use it !

    But I just can’t launch v 2.0. :scare:

    Can you help me ?

    Working on Windows 7.


    #21795 Likes: 0
    • Posts 725

    Hi emaen,

    Windows 7, hm. I can just guess. Could you please try if Blender 2.83 crashes for you too? It can be that your system is simply too old now. Bforartists 2 and Blender 2.83 has much higher hardware recommendations. But i have on the other hands successfully started it at my 7 years old laptop with Win 7.

    Please check if Blender runs, then we can think of other ways to find the problem.

    Kind regards


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    #21796 Likes: 0
    • Posts 5

    Hi Reiner !

    I’ve downloaded blender 2.82a ( didn’t found 2.83 ) as a portable pack ( from portableapps.com) and unzipped it.


    And … It works ! Maybe a bit slow sometimes – not sure – but it works !


    Thank you for help.

    Windows 7   64 bits.

    #21797 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,214

    We haven’t implemented the Blender customizability in the header for the keymap quick customizability system just yet, but you can manually change the hotkey in the bforartists keymap. If you want, you can use the Blender keymap which will give that quick customizability with some.. tradeoffs.

    Step 1. Go to the keymap, and go to the Window category, then the Search entry (F3) and either copy it to Space with a new entry or change it to Space.

    Step 2: You will have to remove/change the other original one.
    – Switch to Keybinding mode.
    – Write “Space” in the search
    – Then change the entry under “Frame” > “Play Animation” to something like ALT+A the Blender way.. or something else.


    #21799 Likes: 0
    • Posts 725

    Draise, i think you posted this one in the wrong section ^^


    Thanks for your patience and testing emaen. Okay, let’s go through the possible trouble makers.

    Have you tried the portable version of BFA2 too? Maybe it’s a rights issue with the installer.
    Have you a antivirus software running that may block Bforartists?
    Have you turned off and on your p … just kidding ^^

    Have you ever worked with the console at Windows? This is the way to catch the needed error message. Don’t be scared, it is not as hard as it looks.

    Start Commandline. In the start menu in the search field tpye in cmd.

    Navigate to the folder with the bforartists.exe. to switch to another drive type in the drive letter followed by colon . For example:


    Now you are at drive K. Copy the path where the bforartists.exe is in.

    Type in cd. cd is the command to change directory. And then paste in the path. Something like:

    cd K:\bforartists\bforartists_build64\bin\Release

    Start the bforartists.exe y typing in the name of the exe. Which is bforartists. So you type:


    And when Bforartists closes down you will read an error code in the console in case it is really a crash. I don’t have a crash, so i have just the normal startup messages here.

    In general, i can unfortunately just fix what i can reproduce. Let’s hope that we can find the cause here :/



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    #21802 Likes: 0
    • Posts 5

    Thank  YOU, for YOUR patience, Reiner.

    So :

    It IS the portable versoin of Bforartists that I use. ( I always try to get & run portable apps rather than installing apps ).

    I haven’t tried the version with installer.

    Yes, I ‘ve got an antivirus. I’ve turned off it and tried again… but with the same result.

    Here is a screen shot of what said the console windows


    Hope it’s help you !

    #21804 Likes: 0
    • Posts 725

    Thanks for the screenshot. I have now an idea what the problem could be. I think the conflict is with old settings with an addon called Materials Library VX. Could you please remove the Bforartists folder from C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming

    And in case this does not help, i have released at friday a new developer build. Could you pelase check if the problem still persists with this version?

    Kind regards


    EDIT, the addon tries to write to AppData\Roaming. So we could be at a rights problem here again.



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    #21805 Likes: 0
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    hi !


    There is NO AppData\roaming\bforartists folder.

    There was one once.

    Before I start this thread, I’ve browse this help forum, and saw somebody talking about this appdata\bforartists folder. I was thinking about it, too. So I deleted the appdata\roaming\bforartists folder ( the only one existing) and certainly created by bforartists v1.00.

    Since that moment, there is no new bforartists folder created in appdata\roaming.

    I ‘ve started again the v1.00 and used it a little bit, but did not created any folder in  \roaming… (But the soft start an d is perfectly usable)

    I’ve downloaded dev version : same result. It takes a more long time with the grey window covering the screen before crashing, but it crash and no roaming\new folder created again.

    Strange, because it was there before!

    I am the only user of this PC and I’ve got all admin rights.


    I can restore this folder ( still in the trash), if you want .

    Console log is the same as before ( see it in attachement )

    #21807 Likes: 0
    • Posts 725

    Phew. It’s not as easy as restoring the folder. The addon tries to write its data to this folder. And that’s where it obviously fails. And the folder structure is a bit different than the one from Bforartists 1. So this will not help this much.

    I’m honestly a bit clueless at the moment what to do here. This addon comes from Blender. So there is little that i could fix. We have activated it by default, Blender not. And this is obviously the problem now. Once the content exists the problem should vanish.

    Could you please extract the zipfile that is attache dhere, and put the folder into the appdata directory?




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    #21808 Likes: 0
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    It doesn’t change anything for v2.00 but change a little bit for dev release.

    Dev release seems to access to roaming\bforartists folder as suggest console box, and wrote this file ( attachment)


    There is a double folder stucture : roaming\bforartists\bforartists\2.90 & matlib. Is it the correct one ?  Isn’t there an extra “bforartists” folder ?

    #21811 Likes: 0
    • Posts 725

    So it starts now without a crash for the dev version? Then it’s what i have thought. I will turn off the addon for next versions by default.

    The main problem seems to be a rights problem. For unknown reason Bforartists is not allowed to write the addon data to this direction.

    The double Bforartists in the path is intended. Yes it could be one folder. But it doesn’t harm really. It’s the folder with the number that is of interest. The 2.90. That way the the different versions are stored.

    You could have a look to copy the 2.90 one and rename it to 2.83. Then the release version should also start. The dev version is based at Blender 2.90 alpha version already. While the release version was based at Blender 2.83 Beta.

    Kind regards


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    #21862 Likes: 0
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    Just popping in to say that I’m having the same original problem; but I haven’t tried the dev version mentioned.

    In my case, normal Blender (v2.82) works fine on my computer.

    I also want to mention that my PC is older than 10 years and also my graphics card is an NVIDIA GeForce GT 330. Both of which does not fulfill the stated system requirements – could this have anything to do with the problem?

    cheers, Mr D

    #21865 Likes: 0
    • Posts 725

    Thanks for the report.

    Definitely. Blender above version 2.80 and Bforartists 2 have much higher hardware requirements. A Geforce 330 is much too old. Sorry 🙂

    But you could test if Blender starts. It can be that Bforartists is a bit pickier.

    Kind regards


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    #21874 Likes: 0
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    Hi Reiner. Thanks for the reply, but I’m not sure you read my post correctly; Blender 2.82 works fine on my PC, so my PC shouldn’t be too old unless 2.83 (beta) is significantly different to 2.82. Why would Bforartists be a bit pickier? And if it is, could you please try to make the next version more compatible with normal Blender? Thanks.

    Also, I wanted to say that your last reply to the OP assumes that the dev version you provided did not crash. From my reading, this may not be the case as the only thing mentioned further was that they saw a new file being created in the folder; whether it then crashed again after that or not is not stated and not clear from the post.

    Cheers, Mr D

    #21875 Likes: 0
    • Posts 725

    Hi mr-d,

    Thanks for pointing at it again. Have you tested if the actual developer version works for you? This has solved the problem of the initial poster.

    We always do our best to catch the bugs. But i can just try to fix what i can reproduce. And for the rest simply use the Blender code. Sorry when some things then doesn’t work as expected. We try hard!

    Kind regards




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