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  • #21861 Likes: 0
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    I am a Dutch sculptor trying to teach myself Blender. I am using BfA 2.0.0.
    I cannot add a viewer node to the shader editor, as described here: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/compositing/types/output/viewer.html

    Should I be using the Blender docs or completely ignore them? I am under the impression that the features are the same, but the interface is not.

    I searched this forum, but found nothing. Probably doing something wrong. Can you tell me what?

    Cheers, Schöne Grüβe aus Holland

    Matthijs :bye:

    #21863 Likes: 0
    • Posts 725

    Hi Mathijs,

    You can in parts still use the Blender manual and tutorials. But i would suggest to use the Bforartists manual where possible. The features are of course the same. But we have quite a few things different in the UI. The node editors are still quite similar though. The only real difference is that we have the content of the add menu in the sidebar too for quicker access.

    It is hard to tell what is failing for you without to know the details of what you do. But you talk about shader editor. The viewer node is a node from the compositor editor. And here i can just add and use it fine.

    So could you please give me a few more details, like in what editor type you try to add the node?

    Kind regards



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    #21866 Likes: 0
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    Dank Reiner für deine Antwort.

    I have the following situation

    My possibilities under Add/Output are very limited: AOVSahder editor without Viewer output, Light and Material output are shown


    #21867 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,214

    That’s an odd issue. Looks like the menu has bugged. I am using the dev build, and this issue isn’t showing. If you want, you can try the devbuild, and see if the problem persists. It’s also in the downloads folder.


    #21868 Likes: 0
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    So the menu refuses to show at all? Odd one, for sure. Here it works just fine O_O

    Does this also happen to other menus? Or just this specific menu? Could you please open the console, and tell me if there is a message about a problem? It can be found in the Window menu at the top. Or you can also call it by hotkey F2

    In case everything else fails, we have the nodes as told also in the sidebar. But first we should try to fix this issue here 🙂


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    #21870 Likes: 0
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    Ah, to tell it again, the viewer node is a compositing node. You are in the Shader editor here. It is not available in the Shader editor. Just in the Compositor editor.

    Also note the different modes for the shader editor. Object, World and Line Style. The content of the menu changes when you are in another mode.

    But the menu should nevertheless show.

    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

    #21876 Likes: 0
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    Hi Rainer,

    It keeps getting stranger. I cannot see the menu entry for the console (nor does the hotkey F2 work). But I started BfA from a console. The output there is:

    Read prefs: /home/matthijs/.config/bforartists/2.83/config/userpref.blend
    AL lib: (EE) GetLoadedHrtf: Invalid header in /usr/share/openal/hrtf/default-44100.mhr: “MinPHR02”
    AL lib: (EE) GetLoadedHrtf: Failed to load /usr/share/openal/hrtf/default-44100.mhr
    AL lib: (EE) GetLoadedHrtf: Invalid header in /usr/share/openal/hrtf/default-48000.mhr: “MinPHR02”
    AL lib: (EE) GetLoadedHrtf: Failed to load /usr/share/openal/hrtf/default-48000.mhr


    Per your suggestion, I tried the same thing in the devbuild (3-5-2020). I get exactly the same behaviour, including the console menu entry not showing. At least the error is consistent.

    The menu entries under ‘ Output’ you can see below. The earlier screenshot did not show them, but they are present. Bu still, a lot less entries than you have. Have I forgotten to switch on something in preferences?



    menus in shader editor

    #21878 Likes: 0
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    Ah, you are at Linux or Mac. There the hotkey F2 does nothing. Under Windows there is an extra console window that you can call.

    AL lib: (EE) GetLoadedHrtf: Invalid header in /usr/share/openal/hrtf/default-44100.mhr: “MinPHR02”
    AL lib: (EE) GetLoadedHrtf: Failed to load /usr/share/openal/hrtf/default-44100.mhr

    Thanks for this message. This is fortunately just the default warning about audio. And not of interest. It just means that something else is used then. When there is no other error then we don’t have a problem. And i can see from your shot that now the menu is showing. Initially i thought that this is your problem, that the add menu does not show. But it seems all well.

    Now for your problem, and the third time: you are in SHADER EDITOR. The viewer node is a node for COMPOSITING. It is not available in the Shader Editor. Only in the Compositor editor (and the Texture Node editor. But this one is under overhaul at the moment). Sorry for the big letters here, it is just meant to make the important bit clear since i already told it twice before. You are in the wrong node editor 🙂

    The viewer node is meant to display the render result for compositing in the background of the node editor. The shader editor is to edit materias. That’s a completely different tool and purpose. And does not support such a feature.

    To find the Viewer node:

    Switch to Compositing layout.

    Turn on Use Nodes to make the menu items clickable.

    Now have a look at the Add menu again.

    I hope this fixes your problem now 😉

    Kind regards


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