Unleash the power of 3D


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  • #22042 Likes: 0
    • Posts 3

    Hi there,

    if a 2D/3D window is maximised the toolbar should not get removed as it is with the current version 2.3 IMHO, but blitted as well with the window only being as high as (screen.h-toolbar.h).

    Or can I make the toolbar visible in this case in some way already?


    Thanks in advance

    #22043 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Hi munin,

    Well, when a window is maximized then the toolbar vanishes since it is another window. There is little that i can do here. This is by design, sorry 🙂

    Kind regards


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    #22044 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Yeah.. the maximize pushes out even the info bar.. the toolbar is an editor in itself, so it will also be minimized when another is maximized. Since the toolbar is instance-able multiple times and anywhere, it will be pushed around a bit.


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