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  • #23385 Likes: 0
    • Posts 5

    Hi, how to show the File Context Menu? In Blender its the menu that one can access it by pressing F4. I need it to use it for the Rocket 3F bridge to Blender.

    As a side note, it would be really helpful if you could bring back that hotkey cheatsheet from Bforartists V1 (I realize this is not the goal of the program but sometimes it is hard to find the exact correct icon or forget certain basic mouse/camera functions when it was a while ago you use the software). The hotkey list made it very noob friendly.
    ps: I would not mind if it is just a simple keyboard/hotkey image that one can toggle.  :good:

    #23386 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Hi hansie,

    It is the same hotkey. F4 🙂

    The addon with this list has quit working when we migrated to the Blender 2.80 core. It showed wrong values, or no values at all. We haven’t found the cause. So we had to remove it. But the task is still in the tracker. It’s just that there was always something more important in the way. To fix this addon can easily eat weeks of work, and no guarantee that it works then. So it has low priority.

    We have though a important hotkeys chapter in the manual now. Chapter 40 …


    Kind regards


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    #23387 Likes: 0
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    Thanks Reiner. I am not sure how I overlooked that, must have been being clumsy with my fn key or such. :scratch:

    So I realize this might be a half-baked solution, but maybe just c&p the list found in the manual and add a disclaimer that it is only for the default layout?

    #23388 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    I’ve thought of that too. But one little change and the whole ist is invalid. And the goal was to fix the addon at one point. I just haven’t found the time for it yet.

    We will see. Maybe you want to do it? The task is as told in the tracker 🙂



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    #23389 Likes: 0
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    Hi. I have zero experience with Blender code or Python lol. What if you just give a link to manual hotkey section? Or perhaps get the text/list from the manual web page and show that within Bforartists as a toggle? I definitely understand why you would not want to spend lots of time on this so personally I would just keep it bare boned (I mean if it is feasible at all).

    ps: do you perhaps know by chance if there is a fix for this? (it is the Rocket3F bridge which does work for Blender but not for Bforartists): https://imgur.com/a/VwObY8y
    If the bridge is not supported than I will just import/export the obj file, just wanted to be sure 🙂

    #23390 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Was worth a try 😀

    As told, the issue still exists. We just haven’t fixed it yet.

    I fear the Rocket3F bridge addon is one of those addons with hardcoded Blender paths. That’s nothing that we can fix. sorry. I could have a look at it when you could provide me a link to the addon. Google just finds the Bridge addon from 3fRocket. Not the Blender addon.

    We should at least document it. Thanks for the report 🙂

    Kind regards


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    #23391 Likes: 0
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    Hi, thanks for taking the time. Here is the link to the Bridge (‘Download Bridges’ -> open the zip -> Bridges -> Rocket3FtoBlender.zip which you need to install in Blender addons):


    It works by copying an object in Rocket 3F and than pressing F4 in Blender and import it (Rocket 3F Clipboard). While exporting from Blender you begin by Pressing F4 and export it and than paste it in Rocket 3F.

    #23392 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Many thanks for the link. So i was at the right place already 🙂

    The addon installs just fine. What i can’t test is how and if it works. I don’t have Rocket3F. And looking at the error message from you again, no idea what the problem could be, sorry.

    In general, when an addon fails at what it should do then there is nothing that we can do, unfortunately. We simply don’t have the capacity to maintain third party addons too. You could contact the makers of the addon. I remember that the developers of Rocket3F are very kind persons.

    Kind regards



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    #23394 Likes: 0
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    Thanks, I understand. I already notified them  🙂

    I remember that the developers of Rocket3F are very kind persons.

    , than you would have that in common 😉

    #23395 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Keep me informed please 🙂

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