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  • #23913 Likes: 0
    • Posts 2

    Hello everyone,

    Is that possible to have a timeline like this image below.  Some programs like tvpaint and toon boom have this kind of timelines. No diamonds for frames, just clips instead for selecting with ease. No side bars for navigation ( mousewheel for zoom, middleclick for pan. This will gain so much space if you have to use different timelines at the same time (dope sheet and grease pencil timelines for example).  And this toolbar is separated and could be activated on full screen mode. The white boxes are for extending the duration of the frames. Frame numbers are indicated in the beginning of the clip.

    Dragging “A” extends clip without effecting the previous frames,

    Dragging “B” extends clip and shifts all frames after,

    Dragging “C”, moves clip without effecting the neighbor clips.



    #23915 Likes: 0
    • Posts 725

    Hi Cevic,

    Thanks for the idea. But this is core code functionality, and is therefore best asked the Blender developers. We “just” improve the UI.

    Kind regards


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    #23916 Likes: 0
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    Hi Reiner,

    Thank you for your reply.  I understand and so I start to wonder solutions  apart from the UI then . Something like extended version of this addon: https://github.com/Pullusb/viewport_timeline_scrub .

    About “side bar”, sorry about that. I meant “scroll bar” which are located on the right side and the bottom of the timelines. These could be useful for other menus but for someone who had to use several timelines(dope sheet, grease pencil etc.) in the same time , they are taking so much space. Also while animating in single timeline , it is very easy to move them accidentally. Only viewing markers inside this marked red areas could be exception but again I  wish there could be an option to hide them as well. I tried to figure it out that in the image below and hope this is not a core function as well.

    I am very glad that I found your site and very happy for using bforartists :). I can’t thank you enough.

    Kind regards,


    timeline areas




    #23917 Likes: 0
    • Posts 725

    @Draise, do you have an idea here? He animates a lot …

    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

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