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  • #24475 Likes: 0
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    I’m trying to follow Paid Blender Tutorial & they used the Keypad Period to lock/target/snap the Camera to the selected object, so we can orbit around the object. My Keypad Period doesn’t do anything. Where is this Function in Bforartists?

    I’m in the process of switching from Daz Hexagon 2.5 to Bforartists/Blender (ver. 3.1.0). As a Disabled Person with limited use of my Left hand, I can’t use Blender because of the long keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+Alt+Right Click.

    To the Dev. Team Thank you for Making Blender more useful for the disabled.

    Thank you for the help.

    #24476 Likes: 1
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    Hey turkwlf,

    Many thanks in the name of our team 🙂

    Do you mean frame selected by chance? This is hotkey F in our keymap. Numpad period was too hard to reach. You need to release the mouse for it.

    Tip: You can also use the Blender keymap for tutorials, or in general, when it fits your needs better: The keymap can be changed in the Preferences 🙂

    Kind regards



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    #24478 Likes: 2
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    Thanks Reiner!,

    I did mean the Frame Select & it works like a Charm.



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