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  • #25013 Likes: 0
    • Posts 12

    Has Save as Default(?) located under File been removed?  Or moved?

    I’d like to save adjustments I’ve made as defaults.

    #25017 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727


    Do you mean save startup file? That’s in the Edit menu since a few eons. Just be careful what you save 🙂

    The Preferences has its own hidden Save Preferences menu in the Preferences window. But changes at the preferences are automatically stored anyways when you do a change. So no need to worry about it.

    Kind regards



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    #25019 Likes: 0
    • Posts 12

    Hmm, the unit of measure and other related changes aren’t holding.  I don’t know if its somehow being overwritten, maybe after opening up a different blend file, and then the startup changes.

    I’m working in small detail so I need to have it in mm.  When it reverts to meters I end up 100’s of meters away from objects that are only 20 mm or so.

    Again, I’ve adjusted everything to work in mm, etc and, as per the “Factory settings” part, I’ve saved Startup File and Saved Preferences.

    Is there no place to make the default in mm?  Overwrite ‘Factory Settings’ somewhere?

    #25021 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Well. It may that you ran into a trap here. Some defaults can just be changed by modifying the source code. Some things are not stored in the User Prefs or the startup.blend . Every little default is dealt different. Ask the Blender devs why …

    But i will check.

    EDIT, interesting, for me it works just fine. It keeps the milimeters when saving the startup.blend.

    I am a bit clueless what goes wrong at your end :/

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    #25022 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Ok, the scene units are stored in the blend file (read project). Right now whatever was saved in the file you’re working in will stick – and overwrite the defaults you save.


    #25023 Likes: 0
    • Posts 12

    Yeah, I found that out the hard way.  🙂

    Now I’m trying to undo/redo the undesirable and keep the desirable aspects.  I may need to ask those that work in miniature what all they do in their workflow to keep their efficiency and sanity.

    #25029 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Hmm. It seems that WordPress decided to remove your account. I hope it is just a hiccup at the board. Please register again in case it is 🙂

    You can join the Discord in case you need help.

    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

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