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  • #25228 Likes: 0
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    Can’t the UI changes in bforartists compared to blender be contributed to blender so everything is inside blender itself (including the icons)?

    The UI of bforartists is much much easier

    #25229 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Hi blender-girl,

    A contribution from our end is not so welcome. Blender developers already stated that for example our icons does not meet their quality standards. Blender has simply its own idea of what makes a good UI. But it is also not necessary. That’s why this fork exists 🙂

    Kind regards


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    #25233 Likes: 0
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    Some of the code could be committed to Blender, but that would mean up to 2000+ commits to.. verify and push upstream. There is a bit of a gate to walk through too, with a lot of red-tape. You can’t commit code to a solution for a feature request, since the tracker is not feature request friendly and not allowed in the Blender tracker. This means.. anything new and not in line with what is there will be debated heavily or shot down, and right now there is no head of the interface module to talk with directly to confirm what should go in or not.

    Though, no-one is really stopped to take a commit here that we have done and try to make a diff and commit that to Blender. The code is open, the trick is just getting it accross to their master.


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