Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #25847 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    Hi there its been a while i have not come here on the forum.

    I’m no expert but i have a suggestion that may boost real high i think the popularity of Bforartists. Its that for the version 3.0 and version 3.6 it have the normal 3d software, but it could have also for version 3.0 and for version 3.6 an other version that “integrate and include” the open source game engine Upbge from https://upbge.org

    Many peoples like games, many peoples like software to create there own games and publish them on many operating systems. So because the Bforartists environment is for many peoples, more clean, more intuitive and more easy. I think many peoples would like to create there own games 2d and 3d games with Bforartists.

    Well for at leass the minimum version of Ubpge version 0.30 that have Blender version 3.0 for old computers, this would be a version that i would like to have; because of my old windows computer. Also because of the minimum system required, make it more compatible on many platforms.

    I wonder what many peoples think about this idea of mine, for the Ubpge version 0.30; included and integrated with Bforartists? Maybe peoples as programmers, artists, and more; would maybe like to help BforArtists for including the Upbge version 0.3.0. Then later on for the version that include Blender version 3.6.

    Thanks for your time to read my idea for Bforartists, and have a nice day.


    #25848 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Hey 20degree,

    Such a fork already exists. It is called UpBGE 🙂

    We are unfortunately already more than busy to keep up to date with just Blender. Managing two development directions would simply be too much for our small team.

    Kind regards



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    #25849 Likes: 1
    • Posts 71

    I understand, dont worry. Keep the great work you are doing, i like very much Bforartists; its more clean and intuitive. Plus with the great free offline pdf guides, of more then 2000 pages about Bforartists; its amazing all the great work you do. Your a great and amazing team.

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    #25871 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Having a distribution with other forks is an idea that has been cooking on the sidelines. I have a friend who has done a Goo Engine+Bforartists build. There is no stopping you from doing a merge of Bforaritsts into UBGE, since both repositories are on github and it would be relatively easy. Trick is making sure the merge goes smoothly with all features, adapting to the GUI pradigm, and then re-distribution.

    For us though, it would be quite an overhead to document, update and make sure everything from UPBGE is in the interface vision and philosophy of Bforartists before we could distribute it. It also may come under a vision debate since we build “for the artist”, not the “game developer” persay, but the artist in game dev sure…

    But with that said, volumetric viewport TAA is included from the UBGE with Bforartists, maybe small things could cross-pollinate.


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