Version 0.9.0 brings the features of Blender 2.78 C to Bforartists. Wich is a big step towards version 1.0. Just some minor changes and rearrangements are missing now at the software. The biggest part will be documentation. And there is a ton of work waiting here.
The merge with Blender 2.78 makes the very most issues in the release note. It was necessary to go through nearly every formerly implementation. So don’t wonder that the release log is this huge. Fingers crossed that not too much is broken by the merge.
But we also have some changes here and there. The hotkey map gots a few new entries from Blender 2.78. I still have to find out what is what, if those new entries are really necessary. And i have to fix the manual part for the keymap. Another bigger issue is that the toolbar uses internally now the AddonPreferences of an addon to store its props. Which means that you now have to save the user preferences instead of saving the startup file to store the changes. The former implementation made trouble with loading a file. The toolbar gots reset by that.
The download can be found in the download section:
More info can be found in the Release Note:
And many thanks to the team