Manual updated to Bforartists 0.9.2
The manual is now udpated to Bforartists 0.9.2. Affected are the chapters 2.1 Bforartists Standard Keymap, 3.1 Editors - 3D View, 3.3 Editors - UV-Image Editor, 3.12 Editors - Python…
The manual is now udpated to Bforartists 0.9.2. Affected are the chapters 2.1 Bforartists Standard Keymap, 3.1 Editors - 3D View, 3.3 Editors - UV-Image Editor, 3.12 Editors - Python…
Andre Lauzon was so nice to build a Mac Binary of Bforartists 0.9.2. So we have now also a Mac Build available. It can be found in the Download section.…
Bforartists Version 0.9.2 is around cleaning up the menus and connecting some loose ends. It adds some more tools to the toolbar editor. We have over 50 new icons. Again…
We received a patch from Steve Streeting that fixes some flaws in the building process of the Mac version. And so Bforartists should compile fine now against Xcode 8.2.1. Many…
Bforartists Version 0.9.1 is a bug fix release that fixes some show stoppers. Bforartists did not compile at Linux because of wrong Python version. The addons in the Testing category…
The manual is updated to the changes of Bforartists 0.9.0. It was a bigger operation this time, since we had to update the manuals to the Blender 2.78 changes too.…
Version 0.9.0 brings the features of Blender 2.78 C to Bforartists. Wich is a big step towards version 1.0. Just some minor changes and rearrangements are missing now at the…
The server is under an upgrade, and will be temporary down in the next few hours. So don't worry when you cannot reach the page. We will be back soon.…
The manual is updated to reflect the changes for Bforartists 0.8.0. The chapter 2.2 Layouts is modified. And we have a new chapter called 3.14 Editors - Toolbar Editor.pdf that…
Bforartists 0.8.0 is out. Version 0.8.0 brings the new Toolbar editor. Which was the main work for this release. The buttons to switch between modes are removed again. We have…