Developer Docs

Tutorials and how to’s:

Note that you could also use the Blender documentation. Bforartists is based at Blender.

Installing and building the repository

For Windows with VS 2022


For Windows with VS 2019


For Windows with VS 2017 (old version)


Legacy docs:
The older version for Windows with VS 2013. Note that this version is outdated.

Building_Bforartists_with_Cmake_and_VS_2013_at_Windows_7.pdf – 1.6 Mb

For Linux

Building_with Ubuntu 17.pdf – 1.18 Mb
There is a Youtube video available that explains the same steps at Ubuntu 20:

For Mac

Please see the Blender documentation.


Implementing a new editor – pdf, 421 kb
Github Pull Request tutorial – pdf, 748 kb

Note that with Bforartists 3.2 we will update Bforartists to work with Inkscape 1.2 for the icon creation.
Before 3.2 there is Inkscape 0.9.2 required. They work a bit different, and the scripts to create the icons are also a bit different.
The old tutorial will stay in place.

Icontutorial Inkscape 1 and higher – pdf 1.25 Mb – This tutorial explains how to add a new icon in Bforartists with Inkscape 1 and higher.
Icontutorial – pdf 1.3 Mb – Legacy version. This tutorial explains how to add a new icon in Bforartists with Inkscape 0.9.2 and lower. 

How to create and edit icons in the toolshelf. Youtube link!:

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