Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #14235 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Ver 0.9.0

    Shortcuts not coinciding.

    The double E and double W key for rotation tool and element slide in Edit mode doesn’t work. In fact the double rotation shortcut only works when you double scale with R. 

    The rest.. I’m loving the new icon system. Though for a new user I do not know what all the icons are so having the labels on by default to later have them toggle off would be nice to quickly pick everything up. 

    I love how clean and nice the interface is, everything collapsed at start with advanced options for later. Great!!!! 


    #16543 Likes: 0
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    Thanks for your report :)

    The move to 2.78 has changed the keymap here and there. I will investigate what is going on here.

    Also note, the keymap in the manual is currently under investigation and will change here and there. I haven’t updated this part yet.


    #16546 Likes: 0
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    Righteo, just to confirm, the double rotate is actually 3x R at the moment. 


    #16550 Likes: 0
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