Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #21839 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    Hi there

    I just want to share my free pdf guide that is a (basic guide), with a lot of images. Descriptions on the images, with step by step exercises. What infos it have into?

    Installing. Emulating a numpad. Moving, Zooming, Rotating the scene. Creating a basic model. Modifying the vertex points, edges, faces of your model. Loop cut. Loop select. Undo and Redo functions.Creating faces and edges. Dividing edges and faces. Scaling. Inset and Extruding faces. Extrude Individual and Extrude Along Normals. Creating and exporting a UV map for texturing. Importing a texture onto your model.

    It can be read online, can be downloaded to use offline, can be shared also. There is no money that it is made with it and no money can be made with it. It is a free pdf guide, just to help peoples know fiew basics with BforArtists 2 version 2.0.0.

    Here is the url link:


    Have a nice reading, and please let me know what you think here about it.

    Thank’s for your time.


    #21852 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    Well i would like if some peoples could write some comments of this free none official guide. One thing for sure i have spoken about BforArtists and about my free none official guide, i can say at this rate that it might reach 7000 views in less then 3 months.


    #21853 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Ah nice. Just opened it. I haven’t had time to look at it in depth yet, but it’s like a quick start manual?


    #21856 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    Yes it’s like a quickstart “basic” free (none official) pdf guide. I have writen many free pdf guides about many softwares trough time like: Futurepinball, MameWah, Muses, TemplateToaster, FpmEditor, Gfx2Dmd, Milkshape3D; of course BforArtists and others. It is more a personnal project, some kind of passion that i have; write free pdf guides for peoples.

    I’m gonna be honest, i’m a starter at BforArtists. But trough time and with peoples help with BforArtists i can understand and know to do better things with BforArtists. By the same time create better guides on the subject. The peoples that knows me, knows that my ways of indicating things is quite simple and effective. It’s normal that BforArtists, this free none official seem a starter guide; because i have made it by studying it. It sad that i cannot mention a person that helped me a lot with BforArtists, simply because this person dont want to; but i respect this person choices.

    I have talked on one of the forum dated the march 23th about BforArtists free modeling software. Fiew days ago i have told that this “basic” none official free pdf guide i have made is done. Three days ago the amount of number of views was 6100, and today 3 days after the amount of number of views is 7100 already. So i can say “if” the number of views stay stable (i think) that it might reach 9000 or 10,000 views by the end of this month.

    Peoples like the ways i indicate things, write in a language that is understandable for many peoples; just try the pages (i’m not perfect) i simply want to help peoples understand basics with BforArtists that i have notice. With peoples help i can understand more BforArtists.

    Thank’s for letting me know that you look and try my free none official BforArtists pdf guide. Please i would like that you give me comments about it. I just want the goodness for peoples, i understand peoples that found difficult to understand things; also understand peoples that have some good dreams to create things as modeling.


    #21899 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    Just letting know that i have updated a little the page about painting a texture, there was fiew things that i had to explain into my free none official pdf guide about BforArtists 2 version 2.0.0. I can say that on some forum i have talked about my free BforArtists pdf guide, i have discussed about the subject fiew months ago. I can say on an other forum “not here”, there is more then 9400 views in less then 3 month’s already.

    I would like that peoples that take a look at the guide, tell me here what you think about it here. Because it’s important for me to know, it help me doing better free pdf guides. I simply just want to help peoples. Thank’s for your time.



    #21900 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    Yesterday there was at leass 9400 views about my BforArtists free pdf guide. Today near 24 hours after, there is more then 9600 views already. I’m glad that peoples like this free pdf guide and glad to promote BforArtists free. Here is a screenshots i have made of a forum that i am onto, so peoples can see there is more then 9600 views already and still continuing.

    View on a forum i am onto

    It’s important for my self to give my thank’s to the peoples that helped me understand BforArtists little by little, glad that i could have the press kit images; that helped me in designing the look of the free none official bforartists pdf guide.

    There is many things i have to learn about BforArtists. I do believe that BforArtists is on the right path, making it more mouse clicks rather then keyboard key combinations clicks.


    #21901 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Nice one! It has bee cool to see people curious about the project recently. :heart:


    #21903 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    The number of views of my free bforartists 2 version 2.0.0 still continue to rise.

    Well Draise, i wonder what you think about my free none official BforArtists basic pdf guide? It’s important for me to know, my intentions is simply to help peoples. One thing for sure BFA has helped me a lot to understand how to do things with BforArtists.

    Here is an other printscreen (like almost 24 hours past) of one of the forum im onto. You can see the number of views is still rising. I’m not much a good writer, but i have writen many free pdf guides; and the peoples that have tryed my guides on diverses softwares knows that i make efforts to make it easy to read and simple. Also to make it effective and of good use.

    Here is the printscreens:

    Number of Views

    As you can see and compare to the previous image, the number of views is still rising. Peoples knows how great, but i am not perfect; do my best to make great to all. Also i test many times my pages of my guide as if it was the first time i would read the guide. This ensure my self that everythings should be clear, well i do my best for it. Also with all the images of good quality, even zooming the pages to see clear “not much pixelize”; all the printscreen indications with description. Make easy to follow the teaching for all.

    I know that it is certainly not the type of writing of many pdf guides, but the number of views that still is rising; well i think that the numbers speak from them self about my writing and my free pdf guides. The date that you see on the image is simply the date of the last reply.


    #21906 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    Today it have reached more then 10,000 views and is still rising. I have with some numbers data i have, predicted that it would reach 10,000 views many days before. Also if you look the date of the previous messages, with the printscreens of number of views; you can notice how much is the interrest into it.

    Here is a printscreen of it, on some other forum i am onto:

    More then 10000 Views

    So i can say this free basic none official pdf guide about BforArtists 2 version 2.0.0 i have created and designed. I think it is of very good use for many peoples, well i’m glad to help peoples; the number of views i think speak from it self.

    Most thank’s goes to BFA (i appreciate you very much), because he have taken the time to explain things to me about BforArtists. This beside the youtube videos and other internet infos. Use it as you want the free pdf guide, share it to other peoples if you want. BforArtists is a very nice free 3D modeling software.

    Please let me know what you think about the guide here?


    #21907 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    It have reached today 10,200 views and continuing. I’m glad that many peoples is interested into BforArtists.

    I wanted to show two images into the section Gallery, but because it have the Back to The Future Car, a Lego caracter, the BB8 caracter of Starwars; and a cube. I have think by respect of here, i cannot put the images into the Gallery.

    One thing for sure i would be so happy if the first image called Splashscreen 1, if it could be used as a Splashscreen for BforArtists.

    The models into the images i have downloaded them with the keyword free, and it is only for personnal free use. I have put a lot of time in texturing, coloring, positionning, scalling, etc; brief creating thoses two images.

    For peoples wanting to see the images, because i think i cant put it into the section Gallery?

    SplashScreen image 1:


    SplashScreen Image 2:


    There are put into my google drive space, and url link has been created to see them.

    Yup it would be great if one of these images could be used as a splashscreen for a new version of BforArtists.


    #21909 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Hi 20degree.

    From what i can see we would become trouble with the copyright here. So thanks for the offer. But i have to decline this images as a splash screen, sorry. Please always make sure that you have all rights at the image material that you make public.

    Kind regards


    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

    #21910 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    That’s why i have not put it into BforArtists by respect of BforArtists and all it’s peoples. Still i think to create an image that could be used “if wanted” as a splash screen for a new version of BforArtists 2. But it will take me lot of time, because i’ll have to create all from scratch. For the textures i think create my own textures, or try to find textures that are licensed “cc0” that can be used for what so ever purpose.

    I have think maybe create some furnitures, maybe a lamp, maybe some picture frames. Well i’ll think about something. But all made from scratch with BforArtists.


    #21911 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    In four days, with some stats on some forums i’m onto. I can say it have passed from 10,200 views, to more then 10,800 views in a short time. I have the feeling that more and more peoples is interrested into BforArtists, also that i think there might be more members on the forum. That’s great news if so.

    Days has passed and still no comments here about my free pdf guide? Please it’s important for me to know what you find about my free none official bforartists pdf guide. Because i think in time create others on the subject.

    Of course i’ll need some help to know more things with BforArtists.


    #21912 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    What do you expect? This community here is super small. The number of views of the PDF files should already give you your needed feedback 🙂

    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

    #21914 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    Maybe i should try to find more peoples to be members of BforArtists, by social platforms, by medias; by many good ways. If it’s ok with you BFA?

    Maybe i should contact one of my friend that is on a not much known fm radio station. But not sure he’s gonna spoke about it on air, or on the website.


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