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  • #21915 Likes: 1
    • Posts 727

    New users and promotional work is of course always welcome 🙂

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    #21936 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Yeah, the community is pretty small here. I’ve already taken a look at your document. I like the intention, though I’m not a big fan of the graphics design, but I do like the initiative. Maybe some help in the documentation tracker could be good for BFA ultimately.

    If you’re looking for more feedback, Discord has a few more active users, but it’s pretty chill still. Talking and sharing the project any other way is great also – or making art with BFA. We are on twitter, facebook and youtube already, and discord is a pretty live place to chat a bit if you want, more than welcome. Totally down with sharing your art to the socials if you’d like, it’s all about that at the end of the day.


    #21946 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    I’ll try to figure out ways to encourage new members of BforArtists and to promote also the software as the website. BforArtists is an awsome software, based on Blender but with less keyboard shortcut keys to use; that’s very nice. Also it is more clean to use, i like it.

    I can say on one of the forum i’m onto, today about my free none official bforartists basic pdf guide; there is almost already 11,400 views and it keep going. Hard for me to believe that it has reached so much views. So i do think that the downloads of BforArtists should have rised. I dont have these download stats about the software here, but because my free pdf guide promoting BforArtists is popular; i do believe that many peoples should have downloaded more this software.

    Who knows being a member here and promoting it, i might be some ordinary person that could bring great things here. Brief maybe be some guy that could be a good turning point into BforArtists. Maybe BFA if the soft is getting much more popular, maybe in some magazine or something; maybe i’ll get popular also because talked about my self also? Lollll. But not too much popular, just to keep my life simple and humble.

    I have think to maybe talk about it at a place in multimedia and webpage creations at http://www.cybercap.qc.ca. Maybe to this guy: francoischarron.com. that is a guy that speak about gadgets and techno. Maybe to a friend of mine that i have his personnal e-mail and is named Marc Senekal, that is onto chicfm.org. Well each of them i’m not sure that it will give results, but at leass i can try. Well i’ll think about something.

    BFA if you read this (when you have time), maybe writing with some professionnal email as example: webmaster @ bforartists.de, to the guy Francois Charron; that he might reply to you more because of the email? Maybe create a linkedin account, dont know if you have one; to simply put into some news onto as twitter as example. Maybe you could create an instagram account, i have heard that it can be used with a PC; no need for a phone number. Well just giving some tips to promote.

    Me i have put an article on my twitter accoun at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/bforartists-2-free-none-official-pdf-guide-sylvain-favron?articleId=6662712245677502464#comments-6662712245677502464&trk=public_profile_article_view.

    As you can see i try many things to promote BforArtists


    #21947 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Thanks for your effort 🙂

    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

    #21965 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    Well i try what i can to make more known the software BforArtists and try to help BforArtists to have more members. On the forum i have spoken mostly beside other forums, i can say it have reached 12,000 views in such a short time. I’ll try on other forums to talk about BforArtists and encourage peoples be members of here.

    Not sure if there is more members here since the time i have spoken about here? But i do believe with the stats of views and some of my stats, there is certainly some interrest in my free pdf none official guide about BforArtists.

    I wonder if some day i could create books or guides explaining things about BforArtists and make some money with it legally? But not sure that in time, making some money with some none official books; or none official guide will happen. Because i have writen many free pdf guides, on many softwares without making some profits of any types; and no money at all.

    Still i wonder if i could do this? What should i do to make this possible? Many informations also to respect BforArtists and it’s members. Brief it’s important for my self to be correct, as i think that i have been correct putting an article on my linkedin account; to promote onto linkedin about BforArtists. So it’s important for me to know, to be correct and honnest.


    #21966 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Bforartists is open source and free. So sure, you can write a book about it. But please respect the copyright of additional material like images, names and such.

    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

    #21969 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    That’s not a problem for me, i always find important to have respect. Like in my pages that i did use the BforArtists images with the press kit. The bforartists logo images in my free none official pdf guide, i have just resize it and made some look with it. But when i say resize is with keeping the proportions of the images, to respect the dimensions of the logo. Like if the logo was 200px by 200px and i resize it to be 400px by 400px, i keep the proportions so that the logo stay the same; and not turn it as 200px by 400px as some rubber stretched band.

    Dont worry BFA i understand it, i dont understand everythings in life; but understand to respect the logo and name of BforArtists as other websites and softwares. I’m glad there is new members of BforArtists.


    #22152 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    I have a question i know that i have put BforArtists 2 version 2.0.0 x64 for Windows on my Google Drive for safe keeping, just for my use.

    I know how to create a link to share some of my files, as i did with my free none official bforartists pdf guide.

    But i wander if i want to put and “share” the BforArtists 2 version 2.0.0 setup file for any peoples that have windows what should i do? Does it need that i have the source code? If it need the source code how to put them all into some zip file as name example (bforartists2v2_sourcecodes.zip). Must i put some readme document with it? Brief all the things that i must have to host it legally without making any problems.

    Note that the setup file is the exact same setup file i have downloaded from BforArtists (brief with no modifications at all); that is not shared. Because of my lack of knowledges, because its always important for me to respect the copyrights and authors; also because i dont want any problems of any types. It’s important that i know what i must do and have if i want to share BforArtists software.

    Thanks for your time and help.


    #22153 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Hi 20degree,

    In case you offer a version of Bforartists to other people, then you must give your customers a way to get access to the source code too, yes. This is the very nature of GPL.

    But it is not necessary as long as this file is just for your personal use. And in case of a unmodified version, when you just mirror the official Bforartists installer, then you could simply point to the Bforartists github repository.

    I hope this answers your questions.

    Kind regards


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    #22305 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    Hi there BFA and others

    Just letting you know that i have modified my free BforArtists 2 version 2.0.0 pdf guide.

    The url is still the same (but the version is just updated) it is still at:


    On the page called: Terms and Conditions

    I have simply put a link to my not modified BforArtists 2 version 2.0.0 Win10 X64 install file. This if peoples want to download it and install it. I know that it dont have any virus, but i encourage you to antivirus check the file; because i’m taking no responsability about it.

    I have also indicated the link to the Github Source Code and Setup file that is at:



    #22306 Likes: 1
    • Posts 71

    Just letting you know also that i have posted a topic on the forum called Helionet, that i am a member of.

    This about the great software BforArtists, to promote my free pdf guide and to promote also BforArtist at the same time. Well i try to make more peoples know BforArtists and the great members here.

    If you want you can see my posted topic on Helionet of me promoting BforArtists at:



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