Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #22603 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Hello Friends,

    There is a new Blender version available. And so there is also a new version from us. Bforartists Version 2.6.0.

    The download can as usual be found in the downloads section. The release note is located in Support / Release notes.

    Linux and Windows binaries are up. Mac version will follow in a few moments.

    Bforartists 2.7.0 brings the fixes from Blender 2.91.2. It also brings quite a few new features from Blender 2.92 alpha. Like the new geometry node editor. Bforartists 2.7.0 is already based at Blender 2.93 Alpha.

    In Bforartists we have fixed the usual things like aligning ui content left, and adding new icons to the new tools. The new geometry nodes can already be inserted from the sidebar instead of the add menu. Most of the nodes have an icon now in the header, which makes it easier to distinguish them in the node viewport. We did quite a few changes at the layout, like in the transform panel. Now you can animate from there, no need to dive into the properties editor anymore. Quite a few panels written in C code have now left aligned content. The adjust last operation panel for example. The align view buttons addon up right is extended. Some editors have now the options as a dropdown panel up right. And we did lots of smaller refinements, changes, improvements and fixes.
    All in all we have fixed 124 issues in this release.

    Many thanks to the team and everybody involved. Have fun with the new version – Reiner


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    #22819 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    We have a release video also available now


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    #22990 Likes: 1
    • Posts 71

    Keep on the Great Work.

    Making BforArtists much more intuitive, with great identified icons :good: and less shortcut keys is fantastic!


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