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  • #14608 Likes: 0
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    After installing the latest build, bforartists does not want to launch anymore. Even reinstalling this as well as previous builds does not work.

    Is there anything I can do to fix this?

    #20615 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    I had this happen a couple oftimes. If you press enter or any key in the console, it may start. For some reason it might be on “select version” mode. If that doesn’t happen.. hmm… I’d need more info. Did it work previously, or only after install?


    #20616 Likes: 0
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    Hi nicodoll,

    Thanks for the report. This is a really odd error. I see this the first time. And i haven’t heard it from Blender before neither. Seems that it hangs at the startup already. Is this windows 10?

    Have you a antivirus software running that could prevent Bforartists to start? Have you waited a bit longer? Sometimes starting Bforartists can take a while. Have you tried to turn off and on your p … wait :D

    We need definitely more informations. You could start Bforartists from the console, and have a look  if and what error message appears.

    Type in cmd in the start menu to open the console. Then type in the path to where the Bforartists exe is. And Bforartists should start. Now watch any error that comes up.

    Kind regards


    #20617 Likes: 0
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    A quick tip is going to the %appdata%/Bforartists/280/ folder and deleting it. This will reset all preferences and clear to factory. This maaaaay fix it. But to troubleshoot, it would be a good start.


    #20618 Likes: 0
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    Also, if you are using Windows Powershel (command prompt alternative)

    1. Write cd “[path to the Bforartists exe file]

    2. add ./Bforartists.exe

    3. press enter, then the powershell will run Bforartist, and if it crashes, you can still read any console issues that might present itself.



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