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  • #22028 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    A user asked me if there would be a stable release of Bforartists built off 2.83 LTS.

    From what I’m noticing, the way things have been is that the code from Blender 2.9 critical fixes goes to a 2.83 LTS branch, and all this code from the two branches is essentially the same one from 2.9 at the end of the day, and that is the same Blender code that gets merged into Bforartists – so each Bforartists build is 2.83 LTS + any 2.9+ version.

    So.. if you merge in Blender 2.9, we also get the fixes you’d find with 2.83 LTS, just with more features?

    So it’s safe to say that 2.83 LTS is merged in with 2.9 at the same time, so essentially every Bforartists version is as stable as 2.83 LTS ?


    #22029 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    It is not as stable as 2.83 LTS unfortunately. Because of the new features in the 2.90 branch. And they can be unstable.

    We haven’t introduced really critical bugs from the newest Blender master into Bforartists release versions so far though. So it should not be a big deal. It’s more the new tools in development doesn’t work as expected yet. And so i don’t see a need to change our method.

    If we have a showstopper bug in a release version then we will do a immediate point upgrade.

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    #22032 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    They released another LTS version.. 2.83.2..! So soon…

    Is BFA official releases now on the LTS cycle or the 2.9 release cycle?


    #22033 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Oh, really? Oh my. Moar woark 😀

    Thanks for the heads up 🙂

    It would make too much work to work at two branches. So i work always with and at the Blender master. Which is currently 2.90.

    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

    #22048 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Ah right, makes sense. The 2.9 release incorporates 2.83 LTS fixes right? Just.. double confirming, :wacko:


    #22053 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Should 😀

    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

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