Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #22397 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Just a heads up. The 2.91 official release is today. I have been using the dev build of this week with very few crashes, and great new feature updates. Will there be a new official release too?


    If so, I should prepare a launch.


    #22398 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Thanks for the heads up. Just stumbled across it now. I wanted to post it here now, but you were faster ^^

    And of course. I will start the preparations for the new Bforartists version tomorrow 🙂

    May i ask for the permission to use one of your images as a splash screen image?

    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

    #22399 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Oh FOR SURE! This will be I think my first splash screen! Feel free. I’m honoured.


    #22400 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    No, we had one from you before i think 🙂

    Do you have any favourites? Or shall i grab one from the gallery?

    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

    #22401 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    OH? I don’t remember the other. Which one was this?

    Hmm… maybe the fish one? Or the pink robot. The paper house could also be an option.


    #22402 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    I also hardly remember. But it was something with some black camera style thingies. I guess i would have to start all old BFA versions to find it ^^

    I have grabbed the pink robot now. The format of the other images doesn’t really fit, and i don’t want to cut too much away from them 🙂

    Thanks a bunch for the image 🙂

    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

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