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  • #25223 Likes: 0
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    Do all add-ons for blender (commercial and free) work in BFA?

    #25225 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Hi blender-girl,

    In theory yes. We mainly change the UI, not how Blender works under the hood. In practice there are unfortunately a handful addons that are not to convince. Mostly addons that uses some hardcoded paths towards the blender.exe. And there is nothing that we could do. Since we miss the man power to maintain addons too.

    But as told, the very most addons works in both, Blender and Bforartists. And in case you stumble across a not working addon, feel free to report it. We might find a solution then.

    Best is to join our discord. Our users might have advice regarding addons too: https://discord.com/invite/yKuR77v

    Kind regards


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    #25234 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Most addons remain compatible, but some don’t upgrade to the latest blender architecture. If the addon hasn’t updated to the newest of the new, then you may find some troubles with latest releases of Bforartists.


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