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  • #24654 Likes: 0
    • Posts 16

    Ya know the saying, “it’s not the software it’s the user.” Yeah, um… no.
    The other saying “if you do the same thing over and over and expect different results” you are using Blender.

    Rigify one day, works as it should, next time the fingers don’t curl when you use the finger controls.
    I’ve had animation data get corrupt just by pushing down an animation, now my character has giant feet and skinny legs and a head 10 times bigger with no other strips there to affect it. I tried Auto Rig Pro, always turn my rigs into unusable junk, I’m all mad as I’m blaming the creator, but now, I don’t think so, I think Blender it the true culprit.

    I can’t go on with all the aggravation with trying to animate with Blender. I’ve been trying to just start to animate since January. I kept blaming myself for all the ways I’ve failed with using Blender. Then I realize the trend, do it once it works, the next it doesn’t work. Saving the failure means you keep the failure.

    If it bugs in Blender will it bug in Bforartists?

    #24656 Likes: 0
    • Posts 725

    Yes. We rely after all at the same code base.

    But every software has bugs. And be glad that you don’t work with Autodesk software for example. Max is known to crash regularly. It can be much much worse.

    I cannot say anything to Rigify. I have never used it. But in case you find a bug, and you are able to reproduce this bug in Blender, then simply report it to the Blender developers. They are even happy about every report. It helps them to improve the software 🙂

    Kind regards Reiner

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    #24657 Likes: 0
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    I learned 3D software using Maya, I know the bugs but were mostly crashes. I can deal with crashes.

    With Blender it just stop functioning while everything looks normal and you save but the bug is also saved is its whole other ball of nightmares.

    Also, I can’t report a bug that occurs at random. It’s frustrating to get the reply: Closed, cannot reproduce bug.

    #24660 Likes: 0
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    Rigify is an addon, and it is plagued with bugs. I highly recommend you build your own rigs from the ground up where possible, or use another auto.rigger. Not only is performacne of Rigify terrible, the rigs are bloated and complex and with that.. break easily.


    #24661 Likes: 0
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    Ah right, Rigify is an addon. Didn’t remember that. It comes with Blender though, natively activated. And so they are responsible for it.

    I feel with you here that your reports gets closed. But i can also understand why they are closed. The developers can just fix what is reproduceable.

    All that you can do is to make the report in a way that they can deal with the bug. So make videos for example, screenshots, and always make sure that the bug can be reproduced. When you cannot reproduce it, then they cannot fix it. This frustration lives at both ends …

    Hm, maybe you could ask at https://devtalk.blender.org/ or Blender Artists if somebody can help you with reproducing the buggy behaviour.

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