Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #14469 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    I just stumbled upon a Blender template with some… really amazing workflow and UI improvements done initially to 2.79 and now willing to work on 2.8.

    I wish he was on this team. Beautiful concepts. He hasn’t made many changes to the core code, just made a teplate/addon architecture as replacement for the general UI system.

    But.. the concepts are solid.

    Wanted to share and discuss, and also wonder…. is it worth inviting him to be a part of the team? He seems he has his head on straight.


    I have been working on a Application Template for Blender that’s goal is to improve the user interface and usability for Blender. This currently compatible with Blender 2.79. You can find more information about Blender Pro Here, and discuss it on Blender Artists.

    Here is a video that explains how the user interface is laid out.

    Watch Video on Youtube

    Key topics I liked:

    • Combined particles, constraints and physics all into one modifier stack +
    • Created an asset library
    • Proposed a new viewpor and render panels
    • Proposed a new scene creation system from the Sidetoolbar and new system for tools (dropdown header menu, not so keen on that though)
    • Minimalized and combined properties workflows to be workflow orientated.
    • New themes
    • Template, so easy to preview

    Things I didn’t like

    • Not very well integrated – it’s all a double entry.
    • Some of the minimilzation is not customizable and too minimal – not allowing deeper tuning if necessary


    #19801 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    Yes, i have seen the video. He introduces lots of clicks into the workflow Not sure if i really like it. Either way, first let’s wait for Blender 2.8 :)

    #19807 Likes: 0
    • Posts 12

    This concept is similar to Blender 2.80… By the way is very nice !

    #19821 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    The one thing I liked most about this was the way they unified the Modifiers panel with contraints, particles and the other modifiers – all into the same stack.


    #19823 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    This looks indeed very solid. I like the clean look of it and that everything seems to be packed into way less panels.

    When I find the time this is definetely something to try. :D – Thanks for sharing.

    #19825 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    I am a simple guy, so I installed the template to BforArtists instead of Blender. :D … It sort of works, but is unfortunately not useable this way, since a lot of things would need to be fixed as it seems, but I see lots of potential there. – Imagine what would happen if you combine awesome with awesome? – BforArtistsPRO?^^ …


    #19827 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Looks clean. My favorite part is the right panel, looks like a mighty fine replacement for the Properties view and Properties side panel together… they can technically be the one and the same – so it makes sense. There are many double entries/workflows in those two systems right now – because they are both “Properties”. Both systems can be cleaned up/unified like in this example.

    Though the technicalities to do that to the sourcecode instead of an overlay seems tricky.


    #19830 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    Crazy ^^

    #19855 Likes: 0
    • Posts 12

    great look forward this evolve :P

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