Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #22378 Likes: 0
    • Posts 3

    Hi there,

    is it possible to display the cursor’s current 3D coordinates and the grid’s 2D in Blender?

    I wasn’t able to find settings for them anywhere and searching on the web was also unsuccessful; maybe with a plug-in?


    Thanks in advance!

    #22379 Likes: 0
    • Posts 725

    Hi Munin.

    The position of the 3D cursor can be seen in the sidebar in the View tab in the 3D cursor panel.

    And the position of the 2d cursor is at an equal position. Sidebar, View tab, 2D Cursor.

    Hope that helps 🙂

    Kind regards



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    #22385 Likes: 0
    • Posts 3

    Hi there,


    The position of the 3D cursor …


    No, I meant the *current* position, like the mouse points currently at pos: x: 64.786 y: 83.9211 z: 0.74, not the coord of the origin/3D cursor.

    And with grid’s 2D coords I screwed up a bit thanks to having a cold. I meant the numbering of the grid’s lines, so the main subdivisions (thick lines) have their associated x, y, or z value printed beside, ie. —-|1—-|2…

    Sorry for the misunderstanding.


    #22386 Likes: 0
    • Posts 725

    Hi munin,

    This is not implemented as far as i know. You could ask the Blender developers if they want to implement it 🙂

    Kind regards


    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

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