Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #19829 Likes: 0
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    Yeah, animation is a time and data eater :)

    #19831 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    more than double the hours estimated to deliver.

    Is that not the number one rule? – Make a worst case calculation of how long something takes, add a little bit extra and then double it and you are pretty close to how long it will actually take.^^

    The graphics look pretty clean. – Where will those videos be used?

    #19832 Likes: 0
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    Yeah, I doubled already, so in fact it was x3 – x4 my original quote. I had a bad contract and didn’t define the object and produciton terms/costs from the start, fortunately they paid more than double to compensate for the repetitive work. Each video averaged around 45 hours each. 

    I am finding I am best to 300% my original quoting to be ok..Things you learn as you go. 

    These video will probably be used internally within Pavco publicity, websites, catalogues, in distributors etc. They are the largest plumbing importers/distributors in the country here. I have no idea how  I got them as a client. Hopefully after the presidential elections they’ll hire for another 10 videos. This time I’m quoting and doing the contract right.



    #19835 Likes: 0
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    When with physical health in little disarray – work goes slow. And this is a project that has suffered due to that. But I’m nearly done. TODAY.

    I’ve been trying to keep track of things for myself – but seeing all the evolution of 2.8 and I see a lot changing already. I am quietly enjoying not needing to log anything.. but at the same time I can’t wait, haha, and also get more time into compiling and programming.

    Work lengthening.. I covered my costs, but.. I haven’t come out on top. I need a better business model.


    #19876 Likes: 0
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    A day and a bit ago my computer decided to corrupt my graphics drivers. I tried to recover them (without a screen or visuals) but failed dismally. So I cleared my system harddrive and started from new: a new Windows 10 installation from zero. I have to admit, the installation process with Windows is a lot smoother than it ever has been, even autoregistering my Tech Insider legal key for me. It even installed all the drivers I needed – including the Nvidia ones.. say what!? But then I had a huge mountain of accounts to log back into, software to install and configure – plus some. This put my work behind a couple of days, and I’m still configuring everything all over again. But nice.. I fixed Windows 10 and it’s Task View hotkey issues while in the process, also added features I’ve always wished to the OS. Also, my harddrive is now half as full and everything loads faster – and I cleaned out a lot of software I’ve generally never touched. Why not take the time to clean out the old machine!? I’ve hadn’t had to a clean reinstall since more than 2 years now – good work Windows 10. Also, the error was due to a software I used to try remove junk files, human error. Completely preventable. I like this OS. So here is my new Bforaritsts layout – tuned to personal taste.

    .. minor tweaks is just menu orders in the properties panel (so that all tick boxes are at the bottom) and the animation toolbar now present everywhere with the animation editors flipped to top and set.. hiding the timeline where I could and working with the Dopesheet. Blender 2.8 fixes this for me, but still doesn’t solve the lack of animation controllers in the NLA and Graph editor. With the Animation Toolbar present everywhere the animation timeline is, I solve this.



    #19877 Likes: 0
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    Glad it is working again :)

    I still have to upgrade to Windows 10 at one point. But i wanted to wait until 2020. That’s when they will make Windows 7 deprecated. But let’s see. Maybe i’ll upgrade earlier. I really start to feel the age of my system, which is four years old now. And Ryzens are cheap and super powerful nowadays. I guess i will nevertheless wait for 2020. I hate the whole Windows 10 concept with spying and forced updates that in best case just resets some settings and in worst case makes the PC unuseable.

    #19880 Likes: 0
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    The last Windows 10 update broke my graphics drivers too, 

    #19881 Likes: 0
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    Fortunately you can turn off most user data collection optionally and/or stop auto updates, unless you’re a tech insider on the alpha or betas of future releases (with tech insider they’ve given me a free license). I haven’t had too many issues with Windows 10 updates. It only broke when I personally earased system files with a new “harddrive cleaner” software trying to save drive space after two years of using it. Most new updates or windows ” reset” don’t even touch system files – which is nice. Only a clean install from zero needs a system wipe.

    I like it. Though yes, things might get unuseable with the fast active development of new builds of Windows in the tech insider. 


    #19883 Likes: 0
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    This case it was a human error. I used a third party software to clean drive space, it dug deep and removed a lot of junk files – including Nvidia files and corruepted the system. This wasn’t a Windows 10 error. To be honest I’ve had fewer driver woas in 10 than any other Windows version I’ve used..


    #19958 Likes: 0
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    Tried to tackle a sculpting issue. I found a GP vertice select corruption, then fixed it with factory reset. Then I reconfigured my layout to personal taste and did a 60 seg sculpt. So far no crashes. The past hour or so trying had many crashes before I cleaned things up.

    We’ll see. I hope sculpting in 2.8 will be somehow more magical and faster.


    #19959 Likes: 0
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    Alright. I think I know why the sculpt was crashing.

    Symmerty + Low Constant detail (~3.0) + Subdivide/Collapse + New low poly model

    If I sculpt with +10 Constant Detail, then it won’t crash and I can sculpt a while without a problem and the Poly limit is the ceiling. Is this worth being a tip?



    #19960 Likes: 0
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    When it’s reproduceable in Blender then it’s worth a bug report to Blender ;)

    #19974 Likes: 0
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    I’ll have to tweak Blender a bit so I’m comfortable sculpting there and give it a go. I’ve had 1.0.0 crash so hard so often. I sculpted 6 hours one day forgetting to save in 0.9.5 and 0.9.6 before without crashes, so not sure what is up.

    Doing this head had 4 crashes in around 20 minutes. I did learn sometimes applying scale makes things more stable.


    #19975 Likes: 0
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    There is unfortunately nothing that we could do here. We don’t change tool code. We change UI. Tool code comes from Blender.

    #19976 Likes: 0
    • Posts 84

    It seems to be an ongoing problem, some people seem to think its the undo, I’ve had problems before that caused weird problems in Thea if mesh became to dense in a small area along with scale being to small

    Maybe share a scene and see if it crashes for us? I only have 8gb ram and a crappy Quadro 600 so its pretty much a given it’ll break if its gonna break lol

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