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  • #20583 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    Hah, if you want I can send you the “Over the rainbow” scene. … https://www.bforartists.de/content/over-rainbow

    I would like to see that animated. ;) :D

    #20584 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,214

    Yeah sure!!! You rendered that in Eevee?



    #20585 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    No, in cycles, there was no eevee in BFA1, “back in the days”^^. – But I believe it will convert quite easily. – Let me retrieve it for you. ;)

    #20586 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,214

    First load and.. well the clouds needs lot of work! And maybe some materialness. But nice scene! I love the style of this scene so much.


    #20587 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    Yeah, this is a really great image :)

    #20588 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    Cool, that looks like a decent rendering already. – Also the Cycles image required some color and contrast adjustments. Putting this through the compositor or Photoshop should lead to a great rendering as it is. It´s only a shame, that the emitter material is not working in Eeevee, but in this scene it is only the backlight plane, that needs to be replaced with an area light luckily.

    Curious to see the clouds. :D … Happy rendering.

    #20620 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,214

    It’s a hack, but it “works”. I clipped the alpha on the caster (to hide it), but kept the shadow alpha of the object on hashed. I then have the volume with the same noise and edge settings. Right now it’s a spherical volume..

    , it looks like the Eevee volumes can’t cast a volume inside geometry other than the bounds, so I have to… hack them. I am figuring out how to do it now.. either make some cool noise looking clouds in bounds to your artistic style or make a system that can… do things like this spherical edge projection system I’m working on.


    #20796 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,214
    I’m Reorganizing.

    I started sculpt january, did 2 days, hit a road block with life, and… then decided to reorganizie my studio. I have now have a vacant space right now for an intern! But… ah.. focus?


    #20797 Likes: 0
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    Happy reorganizing :)

    #21270 Likes: 0
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    [Blog] Client Proposals

    Lately I’ve been busy working on proposals, investing hours into “sales” to win a client with a showcase of what I can do for them. Most of the time it works – and so far… it helps a lot. But it takes some personal investment to do.


    #21571 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,214

    [Blog] Test Renders… A Ritual

    I have been getting into the habit of doing test renders before delivery, mainly to give clients a chance to review – but more for me to iron out bugs. Blender doesn’t have a “show render result” toggle in viewport even in Eevee…. I miss this from 2.79 a lot….


    #21596 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,214

    [Blog] Learning how to blend Mats

    Every now and then, between clients.. I still got the curious technical learning drive to try figure things out.. like how to blend materials between objects by proximity and direction in Bforartists. Later.. in Unreal Engine. I need a way to blend materials between objects (like mud rain splash back on rocks) to make things more natural.


    #21597 Likes: 0
    • Posts 725

    Hmm, have you tried to use a blend node to blend two materials, controlled by a greyscale image?

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    #21598 Likes: 0
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    I have, but I kinda need things a bit more dynamic and complex than that to work by proximity, not just direction.. so I could drag rocks or trees close to mud, and the mud will also climb up the rocks or trees merging them together to make it more natural. So it needs distance and direction. Ideally even distance to geometry.. but not sure how to get BFA to calculate that just yet.


    #21599 Likes: 0
    • Posts 725

    I see. Sounds complicated 🙂

    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

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