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  • #21604 Likes: 1
    • Posts 1,214

    [Blog] Making Quick Flags

    Not really into cloth, but I made some quick cloth sims for a quick render. I really need to get into cloth more often, it’s a lot of fun. I saved this one to my library.

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    #21605 Likes: 0
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    [Blog] Tired yet?

    I’m not! I’ve been making dozen of tires and treads and rims these days. I can say I’m starting to get good at it. I like radial array modeling – and getting some nice renders from Eevee is certainly fun.

    But I think having a radial array modifier or some kind of autosetup to make radial arrays might be nice to include with the defaults… I spent a lot of time just making radial array setups for tire after tire after tire…



    #21606 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    What you really want for something like this, if you have to do it over and over again is real parametric modeling.

    I would check out Sverchok .

    This was done in Rhino and Grasshopper, but something similar should be possible with Bfa and Sverchok as well. 😉


    #21698 Likes: 0
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    I think I will. For the next set of tires, I’ll do it. Will take some hard blood and tears to get it going, but it will be worth it. I have another set of 24 tires to make soon.

    Meanwhile, this set of 21 tires are rendering away on the Release Candidate! It’s nice to get a bunch of bug fixes from Blender into this too… I had a filmic issue from Blender. Now it’s fine. Again, thanks for the weekly merges into the dev build.. I get so addicted to using the latest builds. So far, everything is rendering all fine now.


    #21699 Likes: 0
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    This looks really great 🙂

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    #21798 Likes: 0
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    Ivé started really trying out sculpting in BFA these days and have found a handful of issues.. hotkey only operators missing from UI, a bug, and a couple of workflow things. All reported… but have to say, it’s nice to be able to use BFA to sculpt – and in eevee!


    #21815 Likes: 0
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    Cool character 🙂

    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

    #22049 Likes: 0
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    Been working a lot with BFA. Dozens of hours per week. Things haven’t been always stable, but they have been productive.


    #22054 Likes: 0
    • Posts 725

    That looks nice. And thanks for your feedback 🙂

    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

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