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  • #14626 Likes: 0
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    We have currently some problems with our webpage. The old Drupal 7 installation is falling apart, and the forum is throwing a few error messages from time to time. There is unfortunately little that we can do here. It’s a conflict between stoneold Drupal forum code and up to date PHP. These error messages are fortunately just annoying, and not really dangerous. The webpage and the forum is still functional.

    We are aware of the problem. And work since a pretty while at a new solution. This new solution is unfortunately still a few weeks up to months away. So please be patient. We work at it.

    Kind regards


    #20722 Likes: 0
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    Fixed for now by simply turning off the trouble module. But i am sure the next problem will come ^^

    #20747 Likes: 0
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    Drupal is really falling apart. Now it’s some login problems for some users.

    We work at a new webpage since a pretty while now. But it may take still a while until we have something working.

    #20748 Likes: 0
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    There is an official Drupal fix for this problem at its way, which most probably will arrive tomorrow. Please be patient.

    #20749 Likes: 0
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    Drupal is updatedm now. The login problem should be gone. Fingers crossed.

    #20756 Likes: 0
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    Seems that the update finally broke our Drupal installation. The error log throws dozens and dozens different php errors now. Including login errors. So i expect that some of you are not able to log in anymore.

    The new solution is unfortunately not finished yet. It will take some more time. Sorry folks.

    #20757 Likes: 0
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    I’m not seeing the errors anymore, but maybe cause I’m already logged in by cookie?


    #20758 Likes: 0
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    It’s the error log in the backend. A user won’t see it. But it throws me to death with php errors now ^^

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