Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #21341 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    Hi there

    Ive got to say that i’m quite impressed with the software BforArtists. It is similar to Blender3D but more simple. Keeping it this way and making it full and free with no limits, BforArtists your going the right way!

    I have writen in the past a Milkshape3D PDF Basic Free None Official Guide for peoples. I’m not an expert in modeling, animation and gaming. But ive think that maybe this Free Guide could help in basic modeling with Milkshape3D and might be of help to know maybe other modeling softwares.

    I have made this guide with the permissions and authorizations to do printscreens of the Milkshape3D software, but i am not associated with what so ever modeling softwares or company’s. I have made other free pdf guides about other softwares.

    Here is the url link to this guide that is readable online and can be also downloaded for offline use.


    Who knows maybe one day i’ll create a free pdf guide for BforArtists? But of course i’ll need an e-mail with permissions and authorizations that i do printscreens.

    Thank’s for reading and have a nice day.


    #21343 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Hey 20degree,

    Wow, Milkshape. That’s quite a dinosaur. I used it to convert some files 20 years ago. And it hasn’t made any significant progress since then from what i can see. The last update was from 2009. Might be time to let go. But i know how hard this can be  ^^

    I still miss trueSpace :’3

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    #21345 Likes: 0
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    Well BFA-Reiner

    Its a Free PDF Guide ive writen some time ago with the permissions and authorizations of Mete Ciragan. I still have his e-mail writen that he give me the authorizations and permissions.

    I have writen diverse free pdf guides with the authorizations and permissions of course. This by respect of the authors and respect copyrights.

    Ive writen free pdf guides about the software Futurepinball wich is a software to create your own pinball games. I have writen about softwares as FPMEditor, Gfx2DmdF and Milkshape wich is oriented for the software Futurepinball.

    I also have writen free pdf guide about MameWah, wich is a guide to create Mame Game Selection Menu


    Ive also writen a free pdf guide of an old version of the software TemplateToaster.com with there permissions once again. You can easy find it on google by writing: Templatetoaster Free TT Mini Pdf Guide. The company even compliment my guide on the forum ive made free.


    I think that maybe one day to create a BforArtists pdf guide, but by respect of them i’ll also need an e-mail with there permissions and authorizations for doing so.

    One thing for sure BforArtists making much more easy and intuitive to use and less keyboard key press. There going the right way!


    #21347 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Nice 🙂

    Usually you don’t need permissions to write tutorials for a software. And Bforartists is free and open source too anyways. Every tutorial is welcome 🙂

    Kind regards


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    #21349 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    Well its because i respect authors and copyrights and that its important for my self to let it know. Also that i would like into my email the logo of BforArtists in big size and in great graphic quality like 300 dpi (dots per inch). Also have the “bforartists” also in big size and big quality into my email as an attatchment.

    If you have looked at the background of my “MameWah” guide, you will notice that there logo is in big size. My idea is to put the logo (three blue drops) with the text “bforartists” in big size in the background. But for that i need the logo and text in big size and in great graphic quality. So that if a user zoom-in or zoom-out the page, the graphic quality wont be much lost. But doing a printscreen of the logo on this page and trying to put it bigger, it gonna become very pixelized.

    I know that a good quality for the web is 72 dpi, photo quality is 300 dpi; me for creating pdf i mostly put images that has 96 dpi but is also big sized in pixels. Why not 300 dpi and more 96 dpi? Simply because when i make a free pdf guide with images of 300 dpi beside 96 dpi, the document weight much less with 96 dpi; but is also at some point good for zoom-in and out.

    An other thing i’ll need is the experienced Blender users but mostly the BforArtists experienced users. I have tryed to learn many videos about Blender and guides. Its way too much complicated also that i have some basic to nothing experiences into Blender. The videos online about Blender, you see and hear a guy doing things, but many times he/she dont say each steps (including the keyboard key pressed and mouse click pressed). Many guides that are said to be step by step are not easy step by step.

    Note that if you try to find my self on Facebook, you wont find my self. You should find other peoples that has the same name as me.

    So the two things ill need is the logo and bforartists of great quality and of big size into my email as an attatchement and the help of bforartists time/experienced users to learn things about the software.

    Beside that if you want to read a funny joke that is on Ton twitter account. You can google:

    Ton Roosendaal + Sylvain Favron

    I’m not attatched to him, dont know him also in real life; but he is a nice guy.


    #21350 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    We have a press kit here that contains some icons.


    It is based at and made with Bforartists 1, which is based at Blender 2.79. The material for Bforartists 2, which is based at Blender 2.8x, is not ready yet.

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    #21380 Likes: 0
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    Yesterday ive started a page background look of the guide i make, thank’s to the press kit.

    Ive put the logo and the “bforartists” on the corner top left. Also with the logo 256 i have put it as the background image, like if it was some tile because it repeat.

    I have reduced some image size, but a thing that i did not do is “stretch” the image; this because i found important that it respect the size properties of the images.

    The other thing i’ll put is to say that it is “not an official guide”, indicating that the guide dont come from your self; to respect once again your self.


    #21381 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Yeah, it’s your content 🙂

    Just curious, are you aware of the upcoming Bforartists 2? The current stable release Bforartists 1 is the past, based at Blender 2.79. Our development version for Bforartists 2 is based at the actual Blender version. Blender 2.83. And so it might make more sense to write a tutorial for this version instead of the stable but outdated one.

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    #21384 Likes: 0
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    Thank’s for letting know BFA

    I hope that Bforartists 2 will have the game engine, that was abandonned in Blender?

    Reading the comments on some forum, peoples find sad that Blender has taken out the game engine.

    Here is the look i have done and i have put it on my google drive at:


    You see on the repeating logo in the middle, i have put the color white over; but with some percentage transparency. This let see under the white color the logo that repeat.

    I have put some texture at the top and at the bottom. Between is the zone where there will be images and text.

    I plan at the bottom to simply put the word “Table” so when the user click on any pages it goes to the Table page. On the same line i plan to put a page counter like: page 4 of 30, page 7 of 30, as example.

    The table is the last step that i do, i also think about the possibility of bookmarks or/and thumbnails; as i did in my Free TT Mini Pdf Guide. There is much i must think about and plan. This beside my ways of life as: Groceries, Work, pay my bills, etc.

    But one thing for sure without the peoples help to learn Bforartists, i cannot do much.

    I wonder what you think about the look that ive made? It’s important for me to know.


    #21386 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Again, it’s your content. You don’t need my permission to write the tutorial. And i don’t need to review it 🙂

    The game engine is gone. We at Bforartists have removed it very early. When you want to make a game then i highly recommend one of the common solutions. Unity, Unreal or Godot. And when you still want to use the old game engine, then you need to use the latest Blender version that contains it. This was Blender 2.79.

    Kind regards


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    #21394 Likes: 0
    • Posts 84

    I think Amory 3D has took over the game engine side now?

    Milkshape is def a blast from the past! I remember a guy called Bobocop did some awesome work with it

    I miss Truespace version 6, I lost it changing computers, then my AMD CPU had threading issues and lost I interest with V7

    What’s the name of your old games site Reiner?



    #21395 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Well, neither Armory nor UpBGE are official part of Blender. And won’t be anymore. The Blender game engine is the past.

    My old page called Reiner’s Tilesets still exists. It’s here: https://www.reinerstilesets.de 🙂

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    #21401 Likes: 1
    • Posts 84

    ta for the link 🙂


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    #21404 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    Well my free pdf guide about Milkshape3D i wanted to share it because it might help peoples understand fiew modeling things related to BforArtists.

    I have made this Milkshape3D guide mostly oriented to the free software called Futurepinball. Wich is a software to create and program Futurepinball games then play them with the same software. Also Futurepinball can import 3D Milkshape models with a software that is called FPMEditor ( a bridge software to import export ms3d files ) into Futurepinball; that is on the site of Pinsimdb.org

    I have created many free pdf guides also for the software Futurepinball. I have created a free pdf guide related to the site of: muses.org wich is a place to import radio stream player skins. A skin that ive created and programmed that is hosted on Muses.org is called: “shmusic”.

    Ive also created a free pdf guide related to the software of: “MameWah” that is an game interface menu (skin) that you can create and program for playing games as Mame and Futurepinball.

    An other guide i have created is for the software from Templatetoaster.com , that ive called: “free tt mini pdf guide”.

    Brief i have created many free pdf guides of course, with the permissions and authorizations of company’s and peoples; by respect for them.

    Since for me BforArtists seems more easy to use and intuitive (seems because not much time to experiment), and because i do believe that BforArtists is in the right path of making the use of a modeling software more simple; there is not many peoples that have time to create and learn 3D modeling softwares and guides/books.

    I like to create free pdf guides and to help peoples to understand things easy. I can say that one of the administrators nicknamed: “TheNalex”, from the website of Gopinbal.com as some peoples there can say that the ways i explain things (softwares) is much more easy to understand. Many of them has told to my self reading my free pdf guides is well more easy (clear) to understand, beside authors that have years of experiences explaining softwares.

    For now i have done printscreens for BforArtists explaining how to install BforArtists version 1.0.0, ive not put it online yet (showing progress). But as told i’ll surely need the help of peoples to understand the software BforArtists.


    #21473 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    As previously told i have created some pages indicating basic infos about installing BForArtists. The url link on my google drive to my free pdf guide on the subject is the same.

    I have just replaced my old pdf file with a new version. The next step is simply indicate the zones as the center zone for creating some 3D models, the bottom zone, the left and right zones and the top zone.

    There is maybe peoples here that have some infos about the zones, ways to explain the zones.

    The table of content, bookmarks, thumbnails is the last steps for the guide i write. I just write pages with basic instructions infos for now. It gonna take me some time, but one thing at a time.

    Here is the same link as a previous message here:



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