Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #21477 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    I hope it is of use for some 🙂

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    #21484 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    Of course it will be of great use. The guide i’m planning is for basic modeling, maybe later more guides but advanced. Basic things like creating a cube (rotating/moving), rotating from some point, moving from some point. Also moving a corner of a cube, moving an edge of a cube. Subdividing and extruding a face. Its the things i think about. Brief basic modeling.

    I’m not much good with Blender and i’ll need help with BforArtists. I already have indicated to peoples from an other forum website, how to turn On the addon Milkshape3D. Ive indicated:

    Top menu “File” then from it “User Preferences”. Next there is tab called “Addon”, clicking the (search magnify glass) typing as a search “ms3d”. Then checkmark the Milkshape3D addon box, after the button (save user preferences).

    I can say that ive already bring peoples interrest into BforArtists and mentionned the website here. Ive spoken about it on a forum at: http://www.gopinball.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=27905

    If you look the writings you will notice that peoples has an urge for me creating a guide about BforArtists. Because many peoples know that the ways i explain things as softwares is more easy than many peoples; that’s what they say. For me it’s important that my writing is simple, clear, logical and effective. Also that i test by my self my writings as if i have not write the guide. This place me in the position of the reader and ensure my self that everythings should be all right for everyone.


    #21485 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Have you discovered the official tutorial videos yet?


    Just to mention it again, we move in big steps towards Bforartists version 2. The current stable version 1 is the past. So i would highly recommend to make the tutorials for the upcoming version 2.

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    #21489 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    Thank’s for sharing the list. Ive added the link into the guide.

    I have tryed the version 2, i find it a bit less intuitive beside version 1. Of course my point of views is from my self not from others.

    But i definitly suggest that you add the (views pictograms), just beside the (add speaker pictogram). What i mean by that is the same pictograms (house views in version 1); like “top view / bottom / front / back / left / right / ortho-perps”

    I still try to figure in version 2, how to be in views as: (top / bottom / front / back and so on) ? In version 1 it is more intuitive.

    I can still make a guide for version 1 and later version 2 when it will be more stable.


    #21490 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Thanks for the suggestion. The controls are still there, they are in the View menu. But i will have a look what i can do here to make them more obvious.



    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

    #21493 Likes: 1
    • Posts 71

    Thank’s for letting know. Making BforArtists more mouse click rather than keyboard keys click, your going the right path thats for sure. Also making some window open when the mouse pass over a section, describing what it is is the right path also.

    An other thing i like is that BforArtists version 1 and BforArtists version 2 is not in the same directory or mixed. This make peoples able to use version 1 and version 2. Because there are softwares that replace a previous version.

    Yup making it more mouse click is the good way to do it! Why?

    Well in a world where peoples have not much time to do things (groceries / pay bills / work / etc), they dont have time to learn many keyboard keys to understand a software. Also softwares that are more user friendly, bring much more interrest in peoples; that’s a fact!

    I’m sure that trough time i’ll have more suggestions to help your self bring more peoples into your software BforArtists.

    As i did for the software Templatetoaster.com, they have listen to my suggestions and have done the things ive said. Doing else could have lost customers interrest. In a previous version of there software Templatetoaster, the software could be only opened when the user had an internet connexion. I have told to them to make it possible to use it and open it “offline”. I have said that suppose that a person that have buyed there software to create webpages, simply go at a restaurant to do a business meeting with a customer. They open the soft Templatetoaster to create webpages and the software because no internet connexion wont open and crash in front of the customer. What they the buyer of the software will think about there software? It was obvious that they had made the changes and had to do the changes to make it usable offline and they have listen to my suggestions.

    Keep goind BforArtists your going the right path that for sure.


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    #21494 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    I have updated my free pdf guide, it dont have much. I only indicate how to install, moving the scene and the different views for now. Later i will add creating as a cube and make some basic modification on it.

    My link to the guide is still the same. Just look the previous message.

    Thank’s for indicating me in BforArtists v2 the House Pictogram of different Views, i have mentionned about it in my guide for version 1.


    #21495 Likes: 0
    • Posts 71

    I have done so far 15 pages. It is put on my Google Drive. It indicate for BforArtists version 1 and version 2 how to move, rotate, scale a cube. It also indicate how to move, rotate, scale a part of a cube as corner, edge, face.

    The next thing i try to learn by seiing your Youtube videos, but maybe you can help me to know how to…

    Split an Edge of a cube in 2 edges or more, wich make multiples corners.

    Rejoin edges together, like 2 or more edges selected that make 1 edge.

    Split a face vertical or horizontal or both in 2 pieces or more

    Rejoin faces that are selected side by side, that make 1 face.

    It’s the next thing i try to learn into BforArtists version 1 and 2.

    Thank’s for your time and help.


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