Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #14224 Likes: 0
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    As mentioned in another thread:

    Just curious, what kind of layouts do you create? Because that’s one of the diseases that i want to cure. I don’t want the user to create their own layouts permanently. That’s why the editortype menu is hidden. When it is needed to create own layouts then the standard layouts are missing something.

    I create a lot of new layouts. Here are some for example:

    -Texturing layout (similar to UV)

    -Multimonitor (maximizing space to span multiple monitors)

    -Layout (Dual 3D viewport, VSE viewer, Timeline, Dopesheet, overview) designed for scene asset linking and animatic creation, also grease pencil work.

    -Multiscene/Multimonitor (entire duplicate layouts for editing multiple scenes at once from the same blend file)

    -Improved defaults (better and expanded/optimized/extra feature layouts for the VSE, the default, the UV, compositor, etc)

    -Better multiviewport animation layout with VSE wave viewer for animation.

    -Motion Graphics layout

    -Compositor mixed with VSE

    -Floating VSE viewer (timeline, VSE view, header)


    I also rename the viewport by priority, like 01 Default, 02 VSE, 03 Layout

    I duplicate views a lot, and have multiple Overviews at time for rigging (group and current scene, group/all scenes, active/all, etc). I also pin properties and make another property page.

    I like this feature of Blender, to be honest.. I just wish, for the love of me, that the property panels could float and tear away as if in Softimage….. but yes, if they were already there in the first place it would be awesome, save time making them all up for specific parts of the pipeline. Albeit, a rigid yet “flexible” layout like in Softimage may be better for new learners, with toolbar and layout toggles depending on needs..

    Some food for thought. What do you think?


    #16231 Likes: 0
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    Definitely good food for thoughts. Thanks for that :)

    Would you mind to share some screenshots or blend files so that i could have a look at the specific layouts?

    #16246 Likes: 0
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    editors: Texture Editor, Texture Layer Editor, The Animation Editor, The Expression Editor

    Working with UVs in the Texture Editor

    A -> Texture editor menu bar contains all of the texture editor commands, including those accessible from the command bar.

    B -> Texture editor command bars provide quick access to commonly used texture editor commands.

    C ->UV position boxes allow you to move selected sample points to precise U and V locations.

    D ->Texture image is the image clip currently applied to the object.

    E -> Selected object’s UV coordinates are displayed as a flattened version of the object’s 3D structure. You adjust the UV coordinates by selection and moving sample points.

    F -> Texture editor workspace is where you manipulate the UV texture coordinates.

    G -> Status bar displays the UV coordinates, pixel coordinates, and RGBA values of the current mouse pointer position.


    #16247 Likes: 0
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    The Material Manager, The Parameter Connection Editor, The Profile Curve Editor, Weight Editor.

    #16248 Likes: 0
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    Interface Overview, Keyboard Mapping Editor, The Explorer, The Schematic View.

    The Explorer, The Schematic View. and layers manager are; essential for the organization and managment of the scene.


    #16249 Likes: 0
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    Lower Interface Controls

    The controls in this area give you information, such as what each mouse button does or the last command that you used. From here, you can also open the script editor for working with scripts. There is also animation information and tools, from the timeline and playback controls to the Animation panel.

    A -> Timeline and time range. B -> Command box. C -> Script editor button. D -> Scene debugger button. E -> Playback panel. F -> Animation panel. G -> Mouse/status line.


    #16250 Likes: 0
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    Some ideas can be adapted as: the layer manager, the explorer (the outiliner), the Schematic View ( show oops Schematic blender 249 ).

    #16252 Likes: 0
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    Thanks for your input forttunas :)

    Some ideas may be manageable. Some not. I have already hit quite a few roadblocks at my way. The way Blender works is more than once in the way here.

    #16253 Likes: 0
    • Posts 13

    I made this image  july 2016.

    layer manage blender

    #16254 Likes: 0
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    add Start frame of the scene and End frame of the scene. add button Stop/Play, Loop, Audio .

    Stop stops the animation or simulation playback. You can do any of the following to stop the playback:

    Click the Stop icon.

    Press the Down Arrow key.

    Click any mouse button anywhere in the viewports or timeline.

    Loop repeats the animation or simulation in a continuous loop.

    You can also choose Playback  Playback Options and select the Loop option in the Play Control property editor.

    See Looping the Playback for more information.

    Audio toggles sound on/off during playback. It is on by default. When the audio is off (muted), the icon appears highlighted.

    See Audio and Animation [Nonlinear Animation in the Animation Mixer] for more information.

    #16255 Likes: 0
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    toolshelve exemple tabs 


    #16256 Likes: 0
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    I love to have the tabs at the left. That way you don’t accidentally hit them when working in the workspace ^^

    Hm, but how did you manage the horizontal arrangement of the tabs in post 11 in the second image? Do you have any code for that? Or is this just a graphical mockup?

    #16276 Likes: 0
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    I agree, the tabs on the left side looked better. Is it possible to change the position of the Operator Panel editor to the other side, to the right, increasing the space for toolshelf ?

    I made other graphical mockup: panel lights, camera, render, modifiers and editor properties. I did not do any script because I’m studying. I have difficulties developing in linux.

    #16278 Likes: 0
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    Unfortunately not. It is nailed with deep connected C code. And i haven’t found a way to move it to another location yet. Same counts for the Transform panel in the right sidebar and quite a few other menus. Hardcoded in C, unmoveable ….

    I too would have loved to have it as a tab in the Properties editor. What is left is to pull it down when it’s in the way. And pull it up again when you need it.

    I wait for Blender 2.8 here. They may or may not change this part. And then let’s have a second look at it.

    #16333 Likes: 0
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    The Layers panel mockup here – there already is a plugin that does that. So that works. 

    Concerning my custom blender layout systems, I’ll try capture some of them once I get back from work. 


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