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  • #14298 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    I found a little mix up in the material node menu, the glass icon links to “layer weight” instead of the Glass BSDF in the “All Nodes” menu. See the attached image. – There´s also a small typo, it´s glass, not glas.

    #17286 Likes: 0
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    Cool find. Thanks davis :)

    Note that this whole panel is an addon, which will most probably vanish in the next version. I am not happy with it. I will put it into the addons section though. So that you can still download and use it.

    You can in the future also report such bugs directly into the tracker :)

    Kind regards



    #17289 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    Talking about intuitive use, I constantly try to right click in the node editor to get to a menu that lets me add more nodes. – The original Blender menu is not bad at all here once I visualized the available options by looking at the side bar. For a faster workflow a right click menu would be the way to go I believe, since it´s the fastest accessable option and the most important one in the node view as well.

    #17290 Likes: 0
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    This right click menu does not longer exist in Bforartists. The add menu is empty now. Most of it was a double menu entry with the content in the tool shelf.

    You could set up the pie menu for this purpose.

    #17291 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    Thanks for the tip, I looked at how to make a custom pie menu, but that involves already too much programming for me. – I am more of an Artist. :D

    But I found an existing addon pie menu for the node editor, that seems to work fine. Although the original list menu would be even more convenient to locate the individual items, I believe.


    #17292 Likes: 0
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    Ah you need to script to make it useful? To my shame i must say that i haven’t had a look at the original pie menu yet ^^

    I can fully understand that you don’t want to start with coding. Good that you found this pie menu addon for the node editor :)


    Edit says, in Blender it’s not a rmb click, but you need a special hotkey to call the Add menu under the mouse. Can’t remember which one …

    #17293 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    Yes, it´s Shift-A, which does not really make sense for such an important menu. But it can be easily changed from the user preferences, since the right click is not assigned to any function there anyway. – If you use left click select that is, I guess.


    Edit, the pie menu addon I mentioned earlier does not seem to offer the most common shaders like Matte and Glossy unfortunately. – I guess I will continue to use the sidebar for now. ;)

    #17294 Likes: 0
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    Right click is moving the selected nodes at once :)

    It’s exact this hotkey hell that i want to escape. There is always another hotkey in the way for your favourite hotkey ^^

    #17298 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Repopulating the header bar add menu would fix this issue without needing third parties. It can activate on mouse over. No click.

    This is pretty much the same issue that I put into the tracker and general discusión. We need a convenient overview of all nodes work flow outside segregated established tab work flow.


    #17299 Likes: 0
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    Repopulating the add menu would mean to add double menu entries again. And this menu is everything but convenient to use. So i’m against it, sorry.

    What we imho need is a refined tool shelf. It’s at the moment too much tabbing for a normal workflow. The often used nodes are somewhere in the middle of rarely used nodes.

    #17301 Likes: 0
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    It’s not a double entry because they are two completely different systems, tabs alone is incomplete. The Add menu is the overview, and it’s broken at the moment. It is an industry standard to have an all nodes view of sort, and a requirement to be artistically friendly with the node workflow – with the adition to search, or single out categories after the overview.

    There are two options, one is having the All Nodes view in a tab, which mean improving that addon to be nodetree dynamic and third party addon compatible, or having the add menu with all nodes listed, which comes to the compromise of not being a float menu “double entry”, and integrating with that header bar meny entry logically without breaking anything that isn’t already there..

    The idea of working in the nodes, having to toggle the tab panel, select the tab, then select the node, then switch tab, then select node is.. really archaic. move, click, move click, move, click, move and click again, close panel if I want to see all nodes again on limited screenspace, repeat. I know you think it’s a double entry, but in this case it is complimentary and two different artistic methods to do what the tabs can’t provide: a quick overview mouse over system. Move over the add menu, it pops up, move over the overview list, click on node, dissapears automatically. Move, move, click.. please add that for the sake of the name of what you are trying to do… Bforartists.

    Thanks for listening and providing a place for a voice. My work kinda really depends on this.



    #17302 Likes: 0
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    Draise, don’t panic, i am an artist too, you know ;)

    You have the same tabbing / clicking with the add menu in Blender. Just that you don’t click at a tab here, but a sub menu field. And this with every new node you want to add. No difference. And the text menu disappears when you click a menu item. Again press hotkey, again go through the sub menus. While the tool shelf stays open. As told, it’s imho the worse solution. Even with the menu popping up at mouse position.

    A double menu entry is when the exact menu item is at another location of the UI too. And that was the case with the add menu and the buttons in the tool shelf. I will not reintroduce such double menu entries. I will remove them where ever i find them. One menu location is already hard enough to recognize with 2400 available operators.

    Different story with the toolbar at the top, this one is user configurable. And contains as much of the already available menu items as possible. Unfortunately not the nodes. Technically impossible.


    But let’s have a look at the real problem: What is missing is a useful structure to reduce the searching and tabbing. The Blender structure is that they categorized the nodes by alphabet and grouped them by what they are doing. Not how you USE it. There is no guidance through the process. And so you tab and tab and tab. In search for the nodes that you need. Which are alphabetically somewhere in the middle between the nodes that you never ever use. One tab for math, one tab for image, one tab for … ah where was the texture node, where was the normalmap node … . And you go crazier the longer you try to work that way. That’s the real problem that i see here.

    I think i have a solution. Which will reduce the available tabs to three. Maybe four. And may bring the needed structure to reduce tabbing and searching to a minimum. I will tweak the nodes icons panel addon for that so that we have a prototype to toy with. It may need some time though :)


    #17312 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    These are good ideas. I am trusting you with this one!


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