Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #26307 Likes: 0
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    I’m trying to transition from C4D and am having trouble locating a few basic tools. I need to be able to move an objects origin to a place of my choosing: the center of an edge, a corner vertex, whatever. The “set origin” tools seem to be of no use. I found the “affect only origin” in the tools options. This allows me to move the origin freehand. How do I move it to… the lowest z value and greatest x value of the object, for example?

    #26309 Likes: 0
    • Posts 734

    Hi Meilziner,

    Not by hand. That’s unfortunately not how it works in Blender or Bforartists. It is a bit more complicated. To achieve what you want to do you need to involve a few more steps. You could go across the 3d cursor. Select hightest vertice, snap 3d cursor to selection, set origin to cursor …

    May i suggest to join our discord? Maybe somebody else has a more elegant idea here. https://discord.com/invite/yKuR77v

    Kind regards


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    #26310 Likes: 0
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    Thanks, I will try Discord. The options you mention all need some explanation before I could use them to accomplish the task.  For instance, if I select the highest vertice (or any vertice) how does the origin move there?

    #26317 Likes: 0
    • Posts 734

    Sorry for the late reply, it was a long weekend here.

    It’s the snap operators in the mesh menu in edit mode. Snap cursor to selected and snap selection to cursor. But best is to join the discord, and discuss the possible solutions there.

    hth Reiner

    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

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