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  • #22388 Likes: 0
    #22389 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Hi Fady,

    Thanks for the idea, but changing the branding would make more trouble than bringing benefit. At the moment the software is well known with its name and its logo. When we would rebrand it then we would start at zero again. And so a rebranding would make us loose lots of users.

    Yes, the fork is relatively unknown still. But i don’t think that it’s a problem of the branding. We don’t make much advertisement, that’s all. And most people prefers the original. Even when our fork brings lots of benefits. Which is not even a bad thing. This shows that Blender made a big step forwards in terms of usability 🙂

    Kind regards


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    #22396 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Yeah, the Bforartists also is it’s slogan, “Be For Artists”, which is the ethos of why we do this fork. It wouldn’t really be great to rebrand, even with the small amount of followers. Right now though, a name for itself is being formed and who knows! With more traction it should work out quite nicely for the opensource community.


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